>Well I talked to Sierra after your first note and the operator told me and
>this was out about 8:00 pm eastern.And they said Late december not late
>> Hello again,
>> I had just stuck a note here about a Nascar2 upgrade offer in which I
>> that the operator told me it would be out Dec 5. Afterwards I read
>> else note which said they were told late Jan. I called Sierra back and a
>> different operator, after saying "It's already out...oh wait you want
>> not Indycar2, right?" He comfirmed that it now has been moved to a late
>> January release.
>> Sorry about the incorrect release date before. Guess even the people at
>> don't know exactly what going on.(no surprise)
>> John
ahhh....the confusion one company can cause. In todays paper (thursday)
there were two stores (Best Buy and Comp USA) that advertised Nascar2.
CompUSA was for 39.95 and Best Buy was 29.95. Guess I'll be calling Best Buy
in the morning and other stores that will match their price. Even if it
isn't in I should be able to get them to commit to the price (29.95) in
writing for when it is released. This beats Sierra's 'upgrade' price since I
don't have to add $8 for shipping.
Oh...and Sierra...How about getting your operaters together so they can get
their stories straight. Depending on what operator you get you hear any of
three or four different release dates.
I'm sending a letter to Sierra I'll post the response when (and if) they