: Mick,
: Have you ever written a program?
Some of us have. I know the problems. The problem as I see it is that
Papyrus has spread themselves thin. Certain items have taken precedent
over releasing a timely fix to the original ICR2 DOS version. Should I
be happy that they are working on NASCAR2 / NRL / ICR2 for Win95/Mac?
Yes. But can I also not be pleased with the fact that I have a product
I bought in Nov '95 to simulate racing which is still "crippled"? I
think so. Their decisions were based on "business" concerns. Well one
of the business concerns they should consider is customer satisfaction.
This can sometimes be based soley on perceptions and gut feelings. Well
there are plenty out here that have a gut feeling that we have been
slighted on this one. It is a BIG deal? No not really, but it can have
it's repercussions -- take a look at Intel & their Pentium bug snafu.
I am not blasting anyone or supporting anyone, just voicing my opinions.
Maybe I shouldn't feel the way I do, but then maybe I am justified.
Having said all of that, I will sit back im-patiently and wait for the
final release of the patch. At least I know it will eventually arrive.
I still have that much faith in Papyrus and yes even in Sierra On-Line.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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