ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

Mike Youn

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Mike Youn » Mon, 24 Jun 1996 04:00:00

> The people defending Papyrus' reluctance to release the
> patch must be loved by every hippocratic business in the
> world. ***y naive loosers that take a load of ***and
> smile about it, even defend it.

Wiser, perhaps, but certainly not necessarily naive. Some might say
perhaps better educated than some other hippocratic [sic] loosers [sic].
You might also make note that exaggerations and unfounded accusations
detract from your argument rather than strengthen it. You force the
reader to agree that not only is Papyrus *reluctant* to release an
update, but that they are obligated to do so. (Talk about a "load of

As for defending them, nothing cogent was said that can be considered an
attack worthy of defense.

Anecdotally, I wasn't overjoyed when Ford recalled my two year old car
to replace a faulty, non-safety related device. I felt inconvenienced,
and the incident detracts from my overall impression of the company.
Were they obligated to do this?

I haven't had a problem with ICR2 that I think worthy of discussion. Let
me make this a stronger statement: I haven't had a single problem with
ICR2. I wish the old rain option was available, but that doesn't detract
much from my enjoyment of the game. Also, I realize that I was careless
in not looking for this feature on the box art. In actuality, I would
have bought the game, even if it were explicitly clear that the rain
feature was removed.

In a different vein, I can afford to suffer the loss of the price of the
game if it didn't meet my expectations. As, for example, I did with
(such junk as) Virtual Karts and Need For Speed. I gambled by buying at
a retail store that has a strict no-return policy for software. As
consumers eventually vote with their money on store policies, capital
ventures, such as software companies, live and die by our purchase
decisions. Where I'm concerned, ICR2 continues to define the leading
edge of this genre of PC sims, and I am not at all disappointed in what
I bought. (BTW, is anyone else out there disappointed that they wasted
bandwidth and their time downloading Quake? I am... )

With that said, a Win95 compatible version would be very nice indeed.
I'm as anxious as the next person to get my mitts on this. And yes, I
would be disappointed (but not pissed) if they expected money for it.


SteveU 9

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by SteveU 9 » Mon, 24 Jun 1996 04:00:00

  The problem with this is that Papyrus did promise a patch.  And to make
it worse, posted a message stating that the patch would be posted by "late
this week".  I think that at this point, the least they could do is post a
message somewhere in this newsgroup saying exactly what the new delay is
and when we can expect it.  ICR2 doesn't have any major bugs, but once
Papyrus said that the patch was ready to be posted, it should have been
top priority.  I just hope this isn't a sign of things to come for

Double Clut

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Double Clut » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00


>>What you paid for seven months ago was what you GOT seven months ago, unless
>>there was an agreement somewhere in the box that you'd get a free upgrade.


>I paid for a game _WITHOUT_ bugs. If the box advertised "yellow flag bug
>which means you can never finish a race" then I wouldn't have bought (or
>not without knowing it was going to be fixed free of charge).

The box also did not say "this game is bug free." Most software you buy,
especially games, will have bugs somewhere. Unfortunately most stores don't
take returns on software, so we have no direct recourse.

I would have checked those things out before I bought the car, just like
trying out the ICR 2 demo before buying the game.

Double Clut

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Double Clut » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00

I have the same game everyone else does. Patch, upgrade, whatever you want to
call it. Once you apply the patch you'll probably have a new version number.

Ass Kissing? I didn't call Papy the best computer game company in the world or
anything like that. All i'm doing is giving them a chance to defend themselves
when the work week starts. Now, if we were talking about Microprose and WC 2,
it would be a different story. They deserve all the rumor mongering and flaming
they get in this group, Papyrus doesn't. Give them a day or so to explain why
the patch didn't appear last week like Ed said it would. Give them the chance
to explain before you pass judgement.

Benjamin Fiel

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Benjamin Fiel » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00

Have you ever stopped to think, that mabye the more we ***, whine, and
moan about "[insert Game Title] being late", or "Where the hell is that
[insert game title] patch???" That the companies decide to delay the
release of the product????
Hey, they have a perfect excuse which I would wholeheartedly belive
listening to you babies whine......
"The customers don't appreciate what we're doing for them, so***them,
we'll get the patch out some other time, let them whine...."

In 3 words...



ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by MNesevit » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00

Anyone who defends Papyrus for pulling our chains is a dip-shit. That just
encourages them, and other software companies, to keep on promising
release dates they know they can't keep. And those worried about offfnding
one of their on-line personalities, think again !! They arn't going to
withhold any software patch or release of a new sim on our behalf. Believe
me, it will be released as soon as its done so we might as well keep
***in at em so maybe, just maybe, sometime in the future when they
PROMISE us a release date for a product, they'll think about the
consiquences before they give us some far fetched release date they know
they can't keep!! This is getting as bad as the F1GP2 PROMISE !! So come
on Papyprose where the hell is it ??????
It went gold on friday..well it'll have gone rust before we get to see
What ever that means,

Randy BO

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Randy BO » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00

"What you paid for seven months ago was what you GOT seven months ago,
unless there was an agreement somewhere in the box that you'd get a free

Papyrus made no bones about their intention to upgrade registered DOS
owners of IndyCar II to Win95 at minimal cost (shipping & Handling).  It
was a vehicle they used to sell as many copies of DOS ICR2 as they could.
What you Do NOT want when you come out with a product like ICR2/DOS is for
your sales to freeze up while everyone sits around waiting for ICR2/Win95.
 So they offered that as an incentive.  As such, there *IS* an agreement
which they made in order to sell copies of ICR2/DOS.


Kyle Steve

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Kyle Steve » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00

On Sun, 23 Jun 1996 15:44:28 +0100, John Wallace

>I paid for a game _WITHOUT_ bugs. If the box advertised "yellow flag bug
>which means you can never finish a race" then I wouldn't have bought (or
>not without knowing it was going to be fixed free of charge).

>To use your analogy, if you bought a new car and the air-con and sunroof
>were broken, you WOULDN'T take it back? I think perhaps you would...


Hi, John.  Not to debunk you're analogy, but I never would have bought
it.  But I did.  And I have been able to get much enjoyment out if it
without returning it (although now it would be too late). :)

With a car with a damaged air-con or sunroof, I know not to count on
an auto dealership to quote me the right date when it will be fixed.
That is one of life's certainties.

 I do expect a package to be playable, and I don't believe that the
people waiting for the patch aren't even playing ICR2.  If they
aren't, we could all learn patience from them!  :)

By the way, thanks for keeping the griping that goes on here out of
SRN.  You have remained politically neutral.

Kyle Steve

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Kyle Steve » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00

>The biggest question here is:
>Is my ***ing about papyrus's support of ICR2 more productive than
>your ass kissing?  :-)

Neither will get you anywhere.  I've learned that much the past couple
of days.

By the way, the support from Papyrus is fine on the product as is, and
if you're not racing ICR2, how can you stand it?  Is it undriveable in
your opinion?  I ask this because I must be missing something even
with the "bugs" that exist, and I'm still enjoying it in the time that
I've been playing it since it was released.

Kyle Steve

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Kyle Steve » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00

Judgment has been passed and the sentence delivered by some, but don't
let that stop you from an appeal.  I don't feel the need to defend
Papyrus/Sierra as the best, either, but they do deserve their day in
this newsgroup.  We just expect too much too frequently and make up
our minds without ever knowing what is going on at the source.  That
is what really makes me sad.

Kyle Steve

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Kyle Steve » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00

So I assume you're not even playing it?  Never have because the "bugs"
were just too much for you to bear?  You are the model of patience.

It's not hipocracy, just the real world.  And if your sources can
ascertain the reason for the delay, then your statements are
justified.  As for naive, there are better things to spend my time and
energy on, and not let my life revolve around ICR2's patch release
date.  Therefore, the whining just got too much to bear and I lowered
myself to that level and complained about the whining.  I'm not
speaking about you, since I don't know you, but I'm curious to see
what becomes of all this with Sierra/Papyrus...probably not much, but
that is another thread.  But hey, you're not racing ICR2, right?  So
what does it matter?  

That is the real world (again).  TV repairs take forever.

>--- Terje Wold Johansen

>--- "I am your inferior superior." O.W.

Kyle Steve

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Kyle Steve » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00

>Come on Ed we know your out there. Where is the Patch?

Ed is NRL Director, not ICR2 Technical Lead, as was Rick Genter.  Find
Rick's replacement, and take your question up with that individual.
Don't get people involved un-necessarily or use their name in the
wrong context.

Ed was speaking on Rick's behalf last week, but I don't think that
makes him the scapegoat for all of the "patch date release" woes
everyone's griping about.


ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Ray » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00

> >>I don't know about you guys but I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING THE
> >[snip]

> >Will you relax? If the patch isn't out yet it isn't out yet. If you've waited
> >this long you can wait another day or two for it to be out, and done RIGHT.
> >Jeezus you act like you have to pay for it! It's a FREE upgrade, you should be
> >thanking Papyrus for that instead of ***ing them out. Now go do a few laps at
> >Elkhart Lake or work on your setup or something else constructive and fun.

> Way to go...I don't remember a specific release date at all, just the
> fact that it was nearing the end of this week or next.  Sometimes the
> buttheads in this newsgroup are just too immature and disrespectful
> for me to handle day in and day out.  The nice thing is with their
> attitude, you can imagine them still wetting their diapers and crying
> while you're passing them on Hawaii or beating their lap times in
> ICR2! :)  What a picture...


Kyle Steve

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Kyle Steve » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00

>I haven't had a problem with ICR2 that I think worthy of discussion. Let
>me make this a stronger statement: I haven't had a single problem with
>ICR2. I wish the old rain option was available, but that doesn't detract
>much from my enjoyment of the game. Also, I realize that I was careless
>in not looking for this feature on the box art. In actuality, I would
>have bought the game, even if it were explicitly clear that the rain
>feature was removed.

Good.  Some clear thoughts on the subject.  If 50% of the sim was
undriveable or something of that nature, I could see considering the
possibility of returning it or complaining.

Oh, man, I thought I was the only one who bought those and was
disappointed.  Those are the first games I bought where I considered
returning them, especially VK.

Win95...I'd like it for the interface, say with the setup screens,
etc., but not for the frame rate, although I don't know how people can
postulate on such a thing, including DirectX, etc., without even
seeing it, but the fear seems to generate some interesting debates.  I
will get it regardless.

Kyle Steve

ICR2-Win95 Patch - I give up!

by Kyle Steve » Tue, 25 Jun 1996 04:00:00

>> >Will you relax? If the patch isn't out yet it isn't out yet. If you've waited
>> >this long you can wait another day or two for it to be out, and done RIGHT.
>> >Jeezus you act like you have to pay for it! It's a FREE upgrade, you should be
>> >thanking Papyrus for that instead of ***ing them out. Now go do a few laps at
>> >Elkhart Lake or work on your setup or something else constructive and fun.

I wrote the following paragraph, Ray, not the one above...

Ray, check your sources, my accusatory foe.  I am the author of the
last paragraph in the post above, and will stand behind it, but don't
go off half-cocked (your size I suppose) and assume I speak for
everyone else with a complaint.  I didn't spell Jesus "Jeezus", nor
did I even write the post, you fool.  Do you know how to read replies
or what?

alternative than having to spend my time reading your worthless post.
Your response has justified my belief in my original paragraph about
the type of people who whine in this newsgroup.  You have just
fulfilled and substantiated everyone's opinion about you.   I consider
that a service to the rest of us.  Now we know what kind of mature and
level-headed appreciative individual you are.

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