I'm especially curious about the orange en black wires, ending up in the
steering hull.
Wouter van Geffen
Wouter van Geffen
Wouter van Geffen
Use a continuity tester and check the pins on the plug and use the
following gameport pin guide to come up with an answer:
Pin | Description
1 +5 V
2 Joystick 1 Button 1
3 Joystick 1 Axis 1
4 common ground for buttons
5 common ground for buttons
6 Joystick 1 Axis 2
7 Joystick 1 Button 2
8 +5 V
9 +5 V
10 Joystick 2 Button 1
11 Joystick 2 Axis 1
13 Joystick 2 Axis 2
14 Joystick 2 Button 2
On some T2's the black went to pin 6 and I think the orange may have
been connected to button 2.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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