you try the Act labs with GPL or N4 it is very immersive and quite helpful
> Digital. btw, FWIW, I tried the Microsoft forcefeedback with an Indy
> Car sim about 1 year and a half ago and I thought it sucked,
> personally. I've driven real race cars, and I didn't consider it
> realistic. It could have been the technology at the time, or the
> software and how it was programmed, I don't know... It obviously can't
> be THAT bad if everyone is raving about it...
> If anyone lives in the Northeast Tennessee area, I'd love to try one
> of these things out. I don't have a problem buying something if it's
> not going to collect dust.
> On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 03:29:41 GMT, "Ronnie Bigwhip"
> > Its ALOT more than just feeling a bump, and I dont give a damn about
> >times" if it aint realictic. BTW what speeds you runnin in N4??? If a
> >can drive a real car worth a ***then a force feedback wheel sure as
> >aint gonna make em slower. you can feel bump and slides and you can feel
> >the amount of traction and bite and tire loading with a good wheel. The
> >one really worth a ***IMO right now though is the ACT LABS FORCE RS.
> >Microsoft is second best but the damper forces suck on it.
> >> > Well if there is no force feedback its a total waste of my time! :)
> >> I look at it this way: Either I can gain a second or tow on the track,
> >feel
> >> a bump. Which do I choose? Neither. I have a NASCAR Pro Digital. But if
> >had
> >> 400 bu a real car worth a ***then a force feedback wheel sure as heck
> >aint gonna make em slow
> >)
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