Here you go : "pat on the back" :)
Here you go : "pat on the back" :)
From what I've read in reviews and such, there are like 50 total levels
to the game so maybe you haven't reached the limit of those levels(
tracks ). Keep going, I'm going to pick this one up after all the good
press it's been getting.
Dave Long
> Mark Smith wrote in article
> >I have achieved the #1 RANK and even raced 2 races after that.
> >Is there no defined ending - movie - trophy - anything. I busted my
> ass
> for
> >over 50 hours to finish these sucker. Where is my REWARD dammit!
I reached the number one spot, and I got a movie as I played all the
tracks and won all of them. So maybe you haven't won all the tracks?
Hans-Willem van Brakel
> Mark Smith wrote in article
>I have achieved the #1 RANK and even raced 2 races after that.
>Is there no defined ending - movie - trophy - anything. I busted my
> ass
> for
>over 50 hours to finish these sucker. Where is my REWARD dammit!