Thanks to all of those who post relevant info that permits us to get every bit
of juice out of our machines to play that wonderful game, I just tweaked my
bios with the info I found in Sim Racing News, and with that, enabled the PCI
burst mode, and BINGO my video speed went from 169 to 464, I'm running on a
P150 overclocked to 166 with 16mg EDO ram, and a Matrox Millenium 2mb (with
bios v2.0) curiously enough I get better frame rate under Win95 than from Dos,
perhaps this is due to the blazing perfomance under Win by the Matrox (I don't
know) And with those changes I can now run every circuit but not Monaco :-( in
SVGA at a frame rate of 23,? (that is the one I set) the one given by the
program is 25,6 and that is with curbs, fences,track, verges,bank, hills,
trackside object (all and with texture), smoke. In the mirror I keep curbs,
fences, track, and smoke.
And with all that new speed I just finished my second race of the season in
6th place, the keyword is "finished" in Brasil I was forced to retire after 12
laps, transmission failure... It's good for the ego to be in the points ( even
only one... :-) )
So again thanks to all of those who help and especially to you John Wallace,
long life to your Sim Racing News.