>Seriously though, I drive my car all time as if I was racing, except for
>the speeds of course, lots of stuff you do when you drive your car at
>maximum speed at a race track can be used to drive more safely on the
>road, left foot braking springs to mind, and I always try to hit the
>apex of a corner just right, even though I use only one lane and
>all that stuff, I believe it makes me a safer driver,
I hear you, but...
Consider that on a normal road, as opposed to the track, you'll have a lot of
***(bottles, mufflers, glass, oil, water) collecting at the lowest point on
the road, ie the apex. Ditto for where drivers usually aren't (right on the
lane dividers). And, of course, lane dividers tend to be slicker. Also, by
keeping yourself more centered, you have more breathing room from unexpected
events such as mom/pop drifting over, a squirrel or deer bolting from the side
of the road, etc. Motorcyclists try to give themselves this extra breathing
room. Watch how they drive. So, IMHO, if you are using all the road, even
just your lane, you are probably risking your tires, and yourself more than if
you didn't.
Basically, I expect that you are an alert driver if you are driving as you
say, which is probably the biggest factor, a huge plus. But, OTOH, the real
world just isn't designed for driving a car as if racing, or for using every
bit of even just your lane. Not that this bit of advice is followed by its
author at all times :-)