On Tue, 23 Dec 1997 12:33:46 +0200, Torbjorn Wahlstrom
>It has to be bullshit. I'm running my bus speed at 83MHz, SDRAM memory,
>Intel 166MMX processor. This means my setup is faster than a normal 225
>(compare the Norton Utilities benchmark: ordinary Pentium 166, 64MB EDO
>gives 37, my setup gives 64).
>With everything on except sky I can run at about 21fps (occupancy a
>little below 100). That's smooth with no slowdowns. My opinion is you
>don't know what you're talking about.
>Tuffe Wahlstrom
Just a couple of points:
Do I give a damn about your opinion, no, because it doesn't seem to be
worth much.
Using Norton Utilities benchmark, well I think enough said
there........ Using this so called 'benchmark' my old Pentium 120Mhz
with 32Mb EDO RAM gave a figure of 34. Just out of interest I've run
it using my present system (K6-200) and got a figure of 78.6. It's
running at a bus speed of 68.4Mhz so it's nearer to a K6-206. Perhaps
your 166 setup isn't quite as fast as you like to think.
How can I possibly compete with someone who's brain is so fast he can
actually tell me he's getting 21fps. I wonder are you actually able to
count them or is it perhaps just a wild guess?
Finally I have never put a figure on how fast the game is running. ALL
I said was that it's own estimate says >25.6 fps. I know this is not
true, but that's what it says. ALL I have said about speed is that I
am satisfied with the speed it is running on my system.
However using you own figures, benchmark 64, frame rate 21fps. So
according to Norton my machine is 22 percent faster and so should give
me a frame rate of 25.6!!!!! Spooky or what....................
But I don't care, I'll say it for the last time for the hard of
thinking. I am satisfied with whatever the frame rate is, the game
runs very well on my system. END OF STORY.
(guess what remove .no.spam)