First of all, a thanks should go out to James Pickard and Dave for
helping me along.
Although i must say that the explanations could have been clearer :-)
Sorry guys.
If others than me have this problem, and would like to try to solve
it, here's how i did:
1) Get the 1.551 patch
2) Apply the patch
3) Start the game and check what your car's number is (eg. "#17
Porsche GTQ!"
4) In the \DAT directory, open the file called: "Vehicle.Mas" in
notepad, or whatever you prefer.
5) Now do a search for your car number (eg. #17), keep searching until
you find the right car.
6) Once you've found it, scroll down a few lines, until you find
7) Now you know that your Engine sound is called ENG2IC.WAV.
8) Open the file (It's of course in the \SOUNDS directory) in your
preferred wav-file editor, and raise the volume, i raised mine to
9) Did you remember to make a back-up of the wav-file first :-)
10) Save the wav-file and fire up Sportscar GT, you should now be able
to hear your own engine. If not you should raise the volume further,
or get a hearing aid.
There you are in 10 simple steps.
Well, it works for me.
While you're at it raise the volume on all 5 of the ENG2I?.wav files,
since you might want to ride in another brand of car at some point.
Happy racing
Lars Gaarde
On 17 Apr 2000 15:21:54 GMT, "David"
>Ok, the patch is the one you have and what it does on the sound is to make
>the cars around you use the outside sound in veh file and your car uses the
>inside sound. Now you need to adjust the sound volumes to your liking. I
>know it sounds real lame, but since so many people have been working out
>thrid party stuff for game the patch from ISI fixed a lot of stuff its not
>self installing and you need to tune things to your liking.
>> Hey James...
>> What patch are you talking about?
>> I've already applied, and reapplied the 1.551 patch, is that the one
>> you're talking about. If not could you tell me which one you mean?
>> Thanks
>> Lars
>> On Mon, 17 Apr 2000 14:12:18 GMT, "James Pickard"
>> >U need the patch.
>> >
>> >
>> >These sites will have it
>> >James
>> >> Hi guys.....
>> >> I've recently dusted this game off, and started playing it again.
>> >> However one thing annoys to no end.
>> >> My own engine sound!!!!
>> >> Why the f##% is it so low, i can hear the engines of the other cars
>> >> 4-500 meters away, but i'm having trouble hearing my own engine?!
>> >> Is there a way to raise the volume of JUST my car, and not all the
>> >> others??
>> >> Thanks in advance
>> >> Lars Gaarde