> This has already been done at
> http://www.dirkwagner.de
> Click on "gpl-benchmark". It's all in German, but I think the techspecs
> aren't too difficult to read ;))
I like their benchmark setup, but I would like to see results for higher
resolutions than 800x600.
Their benchmark is as follows (the site seems to be down right now)
[with reservations for errors in my translation from German]:
- Single race at Monaco with 19 AI and player last in grid (skip practice)
- 800x600 resolution
- Absolutely every other option maxed out, e.g detail bias at max,
full mirrors, all objects, all textures, 16 sounds etc.
- Stay put at the start
- In car view
benchmarks numbers:
1: The lowest FPS encountered (I skipped initial fluctuations which
meant this occured when the AI started the race)
2: FPS when the last AI disappears behind the first right turn
3: The highest FPS encountered (should be just before the player is
thrown out)
My results:
Pentium Pro 233, 192MB, Voodoo2, SoundBlaster 16, PDPI
800x600 1024x768
1 4 3
2 7 6
3 11 11
Athlon 700, 128MB, Voodoo3 3000, SoundBlaster live
800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200
1 25 21 18 17
2 36 36 32 26
3 36 36 36 31
Numbers for a high end setup with a GeForce would be interesting
(especially at the highest resolutions), any takers?
Mats Lofkvist