1.)If I'm right what Trevor stated was that people will defend TSW or any
other thing
that they believe in no matter what others think. Sorry, defending something
you like
is just something that is going to happen.
2.)Sorry if you didn't understand my statement on bashing.
"As for bashing other companies, no that isn't right."= bashing is not a
good thing.
You might also notice I never said you bashed anything nor did I give
product names of
wheels that I had problems with.
Again, I am sorry for any confusion on my opinion. Bashing anything is
wrong. Sticking
up for someone or something you believe in is every humans right. It's to
bad some
people resort to bashing others when they could just nicely state their
thoughts. I don't
post anything that I wouldn't say to someone in person. If others could do
the same, things
around here could be alot smoother. The problem with conversation over the
internet is
we are all deprived of alot of communication traits that we get to use in a
face to face
conversation. Things like tone of voice, *** expressions, and body
langauge aren't
available and many times we aren't understood or even worse the whole post
or sentence
is took completely wrong.
Heck, if you ask me your a lucky guy. I would love the chance to test
hardware or beta test
race sims and race games. I would donate body parts to be able to help with
the testing of
Nascar2000(N3), but realisticly know I will probably never get a shot at
testing anything.
Just try and ignore the bashing and enjoy all the different IMHO's that are
out there.
Mike Mellendorf
P.S. Everything above is just my opinion and if anybody dissagrees thats
fine. Thats what helps the world go around and what freedom is about.
>1.) It was off base because the guy writing the message was Trevor Thomas
>one of the OWNERS of Thomas Enterprises and that was nothing near what you
>would come to expect as a way with dealing with the public.
>2.) I have never bashed another company and I don't know where you got the
>idea that I did. The fact of the matter is that all of the "Proud TSW
>Formula owner's" to use your term Mike, are the ones bashing everyone else
>for not owning one.
>Your post was case in point.
>Peter Walker
>>As for the previous post
>>being way off base I disagree. He was right when it comes to sticking up
>>TSW. I always thought it was ok to stick up for something you beleive in
>>always will. As for bashing other companies, no that isn't right. I think
>>every product has it's place. Even if some of my wheels ended up meeting
>>garbage man on Friday. You think the feel and quality of the TSW is why
>>many owners and others are so quick to voice themselfs? Na, nevermind that
>>would be to easy now wouldn't it?
>>Mike Mellendorf
>>Proud TSW Formula owner
>>>Now that's way off base. Is this customer service or public relations?
>>>why I haven't bought one of your wheels Trevor. Look at the previous
>>>"best wheel" for further comments on this subject.
>>>>Karl, for your info our product does speak quite well for itself and so
>>>>does Car & Driver and a heck of a lot of locations on the www. Where we
>>>>take exception is where statements are made the are derogatory and not
>>>>backed by any proof whatsoever.
>>>>You will find us and a lot of our friends and customers coming
>>>>immediately to our defence anytime this occurs and I suggest that if you
>>>>dont like it then dont read it cause you can bet we're going to keep it
>>>>up :).