Ian Parker
> >I disagree with that, unless the amplifier is clipping the signal or you
> >overdriving the speakers, feeding a dirty signal into speakers will not
> >damage them.
> I was in the automotive hifi industry for a good few years and never had any
> problems with damaging speakers from poor sound sources, only from over
> driving or clipping.
> I don't know of anyone who ever damaged a speaker from using a soundcard
> either, do you ?
> --
> Ian Parker
> ==
> > LOLOLOLOLOLOL. I suggest you speak with *any* technical expect on
> > this issue.
> > >I disagree with that, unless the amplifier is clipping the signal or you
> are
> > >overdriving the speakers, feeding a dirty signal into speakers will not
> > >damage them.
Car audio doesn't suck, it's the cars that create the design problems.
A car isn't exactly a great acoustic chamber.
"The people on the internet know more about what I am doing than I do.
Like, they will say that I am going to be in this mall on this day and
sure enough I am there."
- Tori Amos, Dew Drop Inn Tour, 17-June-1996
Ian Parker
> Car audio doesn't suck, it's the cars that create the design problems.
> A car isn't exactly a great acoustic chamber.
> -Slash
I have run my speakers at home for several years using all sorts of sources,
they still sound / run as they did a few days after I bought them.
(Remembering that the cones take a few days use to wear in and will
gradually decay with use)
Being in the car hifi business, I met a lot of manufacturers of car and home
hifi equipment, they are all of the same opinion as me.
Your last comment has just confirmed to me how little you actually know
about hi-fi.
Ian Parker
> >I was in the automotive hifi industry for a good few years and never had
> >problems with damaging speakers from poor sound sources, only from over
> >driving or clipping.
> > I don't know of anyone who ever damaged a speaker from using a soundcard
> >either, do you ?
For the most part not a defensible standard.
Compare your car system to a pair of well placed Sonus Faber Concertino's with a
comparable source/ amplifier, and sitting in a Lazy Boy (triangulated for
optimal soundstage) I really doubt that there is any contest!!
Your car system will generate a lot more (distorted) mid bass (and may even be
able to find the automobile's resonant frequency thereby letting the entire
street know you've got bass) but won't score on accuracy, soundstage, timbre
etc... A car is just too noisy.
The break in period for new speakers is usually measured in listening hours of
often more than a few days.
Speaker cones are made of a variety of different materials, and their "gradual
decay" is on a lot slower scale than mine ;-)
That is the 2nd law's effects aren't an issue during the lifetime of the
From the horses mouth?
Cracking toast, Grommit!
> > I have seen (heard) car hifi systems which will put many home systems to
> > shame.
> Provided, of course, that these "home" systems are from Circuit
> Bose Cambridge Soundworks et al.
> For the most part not a defensible standard.
See above...
but I never said there would be......
My car isn't even comparable because I don't have a very high quality system
in my car anymore. (reason as below)
Have you been to an IASCA (SCA in Europe) sanctioned sound- off ? I can
guarantee you that some of the systems you hear there will impress all but
the most hardened audiophile. The owners or fitters spend long days ensuring
that there are little resonances and deadening as much road noise as
possible, the resonant frequency of the car is measured with a RTA and the
speaker crossover frequencies are adapted to help overcome this and reduce
the amount of bass at this frequency at the drivers seat (As an aside, if
move from your selected listening position for your home hifi your frequency
response will be different).
I've no doubt as I bet mine were far cheaper than yours, I'm afraid I have
other things that require my earnings (Mortgage , Wife etc.. :) ) but most
speakers start to sound correct after a few days worth of use.
I didn't claim to be an expert on home hi-fi. I also don't claim to be an
expert on car hifi, many people know far more than I do and I will listen to
what they say if they put it in a well written statement such as you did
possibly until the final comment <G>
The part I referred to was him saying they *also* suck which implied to me
that he thought I did also.
I'm now actually sorry I wrote that as it came out more in anger than
anything else due to a difficult day at work, it was unnecessary and I
apologise for it. Post in haste repent at leisure.
To end, will you make an attempt at answering the original question?
Will a decent soundcard feeding into a decent amplifier and driving decent
speakers cause damage to the speakers ? (assuming there is no clipping of
the signal or overdriving of the speakers or other equipment.)
Ian Parker
My guess would be yes there is a greater possibility of damage from a sound card
as most amplifiers are designed to work with predictable source components i.e.
CD, DVD, tape, phono, VHS. I suspect that sound cards are capable of generating
sustained (non musical) input signals that can cause damage.
Most amplifiers have protective circutry that will stop when the input signal
reaches a particular threshold. If there is no clipping then the signal is
within tolerable limits. If there is a mismatch between the speakers tolerable
range and the amps then you could have problems.
it takes a lot to damage a quality amp/speaker combo.
Cracking toast, Grommit!