Hmmm.... I'm not sure I get the part about stalling, but anyway. At least
in GPL and NFS:PU, I use the brake and gas to help me steer. In NFS:PU, with
some cars on some tracks and at higher speeds, I find that dragging the
brake with the gas still pushed helps me keep the cars attitude right and
I'm more stable in the corners (sweepers). In GPL and to some extent in
SCGT, I know there are times I've gone into a corer too hot and again
applying the brake and gas (and playing with them) is the only thing that
saves me. I can start to spin in GPL and then recover. Something I couldn't
do before I used split axis and something that requires split axis to do. I
also sometimes exit a corner faster by squatting the car, I get on the gas
sooner but still slightly drag the brake for a short time. Since I was not
sold on the benefits of split axis before I started with GPL, I did a lot of
testing with and without it (basically to prove it wasn't necessary). I
won't say for sure that it decreases your lap times (probably does somewhat)
but it certainly makes it easier to drive and can get you out of trouble
occasionally. Just something to keep in mind. On the other hand, the
precision of the wheel could make you faster in GPL, even overcoming the
lack of split axis.
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