> How come they sometimes will release a demo AFTER the game came out? >I think a demo before the game actually goes gold would be much better. For one thing, it keeps us busy while we wait!
> ========================
> Adam Zerlin
Very simple Adam....There is a large group that is gonna buy N3 no
matter what...another group that will "want" to buy N3 right away...
if a demo gets out and some folks start Poo-Pooing(sorry technical term)
the demo...then many of those is the 2nd group will stay away. If the
game is released first, then a big chunk of the 2nd group will cave and
Now that I've answered that...I need your help...Who do I talk to if I
want a Dodge Stratus made up for SCGT...After seeing the Oreca Viper, I
am wishing for a red/white #7 with the Ram on the hood and Stratus on
the side... any chance??
dave henrie