How do I know this you ask?
Well, the ripper group "Class", the one`s who released the rip,
sais in the NFO file that the game was released on the July 21th, 2000.
If this is the case, why has it been on several different ftp bases for
several weeks with the specific order not to be distributed before this
This is a fact, I know because I visit one of these ftp sites regularly.
The rip and the iso are from the same BETA edition, but NOT from the
Thank god, cos` there`s a lot of minor bugs in the rip and iso.
Even some AI bugs. The CC can get really agressive, they drive like you
not even there sometimes.
After playing the rip from last Saturday, and the iso from this Tuesday I
really look farward to the final.
btw...the game runs fine on a P2-450Mhz/Voodoo2/128Mb ram PC,
but for the real eye candy a P3-800/GeForce2 is a killer.
Not to brag or anything, but the game at 1280x1024 with everything on
must be seen! WOW !
Anyway..after waiting for almost 2 years the wait is soon over.
I know what I`ll be doing this Friday :-))