so will have to wait) tried the game with those 3d eDimensional
glasses yet? I'm reading good things about them for GPL, which I love,
and I wondered about GP4 being a newer game.
Feedback on their use with GPL would be appreciated too.
Feedback on their use with GPL would be appreciated too.
1. They don't halve your frame rates, but the fps does take quite a hit.
Subjectively, down by a quarter to a third. And even with the 3D effect
toggled off (Ctrl-T by default), the frame rate doesn't return to normal
until you disable the feature from Control Panel/Display/Advanced and
2. They work better at close to mid-distances than mid to far distances.
In GPL, the***pit is in three separare planes: the mirrors (closest and
flat, no 3D fx), the wheel (2 dimensional, but obviously several inches
nearer than the dash) and the dash. The effect is startling, but the
scenery in the background has very little 3D effect.
In N2002, the entire***pit is deeply layered, with each plane standing
out in bas relief, but the scenery beyond the windshield has very little 3D
In Rally Championship, this gizmo comes into its own. Not only does the
cabin view (the one showing the full width of the car) seem very 3D, the
scenery outside is very layered, with trees standing out from the
background, rocks jutting out at you, and buildings standing out from the
horizon. It's not exactly "Bwana Junction," but is's pretty cool.
In Ghost Recon, the effect is more pronounced in CQB (indoor combat, for you
non-grognards); considerably less so in big outdoor spaces, like the
trackless Eritrian desert.
flashing in other games. The gamma takes a hit along with the fps. The
controls allow you to raise the gamma, but some contrast is lost. You will
spend a lot of time dialing in the sweet spot for this....and getting
exactly the right degree of steroeoscopic separation. At first, you'll only
be comfortable with minimal separation; as your eyes get used to it, you'll
be able to dial in more.
That said, this is a fabulous toy. I don't think it's going to do anything
for your lap times (or your first-round kill probability--I'd hoped to make
camouflaged Tangos stand out from the background; alas, all I get is a
gunsight suspended in space about six feet away from the muzzle), but it's a
must to wow your pals at your next LAN party. And it ought to give immense
satisfaction in most rally games.
Pity it doesn't work with consoles.
I used to have the 3d-glasses for my Sega Master System, playing games like
OutRun 3d!. It was really cool.=)
> Feedback on their use with GPL would be appreciated too.
> Richard
for a review on GP4 with the glasses and SIMHQ talks about them with
GPL. Go for them, they are well worth it. Driving just isn't the
same in 2D anymore. Hope that helps!
1) what's it like in terms of immersion compared to a larger monitor?
2) can you use it for long periods without fatigue?
I suppose it does nothing for MAME, dvd videos and 2D apps? That
said, I wonder if you get a 3D stereo video player...
any additional info would be appreciated.
Regards all,
Hi all
I just got the edimension glasses and tried them with a few games here in
the UK.
Gp4 is one of the better ones although whatever game you use them with takes
a sizeable framerate hit.(Be warned). GP4 looks better than F12002 for some
reason with the glasses.
The best game overall was unreal tournament which truly is emersive and
worth buying the glasses for.
The only downside to these glasses for me was that after 30 minutes or so,
it gives me a headache as they are permanently flashing on and off.
I hope I get used to them or else I will have to stop using them. It feels
a bit like motion sickness.
> > Feedback on their use with GPL would be appreciated too.
> > Richard
> Hi all
> I just got the edimension glasses and tried them with a few games here in
> the UK.
> Gp4 is one of the better ones although whatever game you use them with takes
> a sizeable framerate hit.(Be warned). GP4 looks better than F12002 for some
> reason with the glasses.
> The best game overall was unreal tournament which truly is emersive and
> worth buying the glasses for.
> The only downside to these glasses for me was that after 30 minutes or so,
> it gives me a headache as they are permanently flashing on and off.
> I hope I get used to them or else I will have to stop using them. It feels
> a bit like motion sickness.
> Ken
I have the Asus G Force 3 card with 3D glasses. Unfortunately I have no idea
how to set the frame rate/Refresh rate etc so I can actually see anything.
It either doubles the screen height so I only see the top half or just goes
into normal mode (no 3d)
> > > Feedback on their use with GPL would be appreciated too.
> > > Richard
> > Hi all
> > I just got the edimension glasses and tried them with a few games here
> > the UK.
> > Gp4 is one of the better ones although whatever game you use them with
> > a sizeable framerate hit.(Be warned). GP4 looks better than F12002 for
> > reason with the glasses.
> > The best game overall was unreal tournament which truly is emersive and
> > worth buying the glasses for.
> > The only downside to these glasses for me was that after 30 minutes or
> > it gives me a headache as they are permanently flashing on and off.
> > I hope I get used to them or else I will have to stop using them. It
> > a bit like motion sickness.
> > Ken
> Ken,
> Try bringing down the stereo separation in the stereo display
> properties to a little lower and boosting the refresh rate as high as
> you can. You may have it set a little to high to start out but
> gradually you can get it very high without the slightest hint of
> headache.
> -jm
I will give that a go
No fatigue after half an hour or so per game (and maybe an hour or so per 3D
I've since tried this gadget with F1 2002, Red Faction & MoH:AA. F1 2002
was okay, but not as impressive as RC or N2002, RF crashed, and I got almost
no 3D effect at all with MoH:AA. Proving? The eD glasses are majorly
dependent on the game you're using them with. IOW, either get iron-clad
return privileges, or see them at a friend's house first.
> >On the basis of a rave review, I bought a pair of eDimensional's 3D
> >and I'm amazed at how much bang you get for your buck ($70 for the corded
> >model; $100 for the wireless). I haven't tried them with everything yet,
> >but here are some initial impressions.
> hi,
> 1) what's it like in terms of immersion compared to a larger monitor?
> 2) can you use it for long periods without fatigue?
> I suppose it does nothing for MAME, dvd videos and 2D apps? That
> said, I wonder if you get a 3D stereo video player...
> any additional info would be appreciated.
> Regards all,
> istoff