Grand Prix Legends!

Alison Hi

Grand Prix Legends!

by Alison Hi » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

As I write this, a boxed copy of the retail version of Grand Prix
Legends sits beside me on my desk.  I purchased it minutes ago at my
local Electronics Boutique for $34.99.  The local Software, Etc., also
has it, but for $15 more.  

Note that if you inquire of your retailer about this sim, it is listed
as "Sierra Sports Grand Prix Legends" or "SS Grand Prix Legends".

I have developed a new Web site devoted entirely to Grand Prix Legends.
It's at:

This site features comprehensive FAQs, including a general FAQ, a
hardware FAQ, and a new, very detailed FAQ about racing over the

The general FAQ includes details on a variety of topics, such as
difficulty levels, pit stops, car damage and repairs, multiplayer
racing, and racing with the AI - including how to adjust their speed.

The hardware FAQ discusses 3D accelerators, CPU requirements, memory
requirements, and controllers.

The Online FAQ discusses the issues involved in racing under the high
latency conditions imposed by the Internet, explains GPL's bandwidth
requirements, and makes detailed recommendations for maximizing your
online racing experience.

There's more, including setups by the beta team members which you can
download, a huge quantity of screen shots (most of which formerly
resided in the sim pages of my personal site), and some setup tips from
the beta team.

Look for this site to be completed and expanded in the coming weeks.  In
the meantime, it contains a wealth of information accumulated during
months of participation in the development effort as a beta tester,
information which I am making available in the hopes that it will
enhance your enjoyment of this fabulous sim.


Eagle Woman


Remove the spam blocker NOSPAM to email me.,

David G Fishe

Grand Prix Legends!

by David G Fishe » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

I just came home with my copy too (Southern NJ, Philadelphia area). Looks
like it's available all over the East coast. I'll have to check out your new


>As I write this, a boxed copy of the retail version of Grand Prix
>Legends sits beside me on my desk.  I purchased it minutes ago at my
>local Electronics Boutique for $34.99.  The local Software, Etc., also
>has it, but for $15 more.

Barry Cla

Grand Prix Legends!

by Barry Cla » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

I just got mine too for the price of $24.99. I had the ad from last months
PCGamer magazine and they honored the price in the ad.

> I just came home with my copy too (Southern NJ, Philadelphia area). Looks
> like it's available all over the East coast. I'll have to check out your new
> site.

> Dave
> DmndDave

> >As I write this, a boxed copy of the retail version of Grand Prix
> >Legends sits beside me on my desk.  I purchased it minutes ago at my
> >local Electronics Boutique for $34.99.  The local Software, Etc., also
> >has it, but for $15 more.


Barry Clay
Burnout Playtester
Nros Beta Tester
All Around Good Guy


Grand Prix Legends!

by rob » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

>As I write this, a boxed copy of the retail version of Grand Prix
>Legends sits beside me on my desk.  I purchased it minutes ago at my
>local Electronics Boutique for $34.99.  The local Software, Etc., also
>has it, but for $15 more.

Your web site is great.

I'm surprised - you had to buy the game??


Grant Reev

Grand Prix Legends!

by Grant Reev » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> As I write this, a boxed copy of the retail version of Grand Prix
> Legends sits beside me on my desk.  I purchased it minutes ago at my
> local Electronics Boutique for $34.99.  The local Software, Etc., also
> has it, but for $15 more.

you had to buy your own copy?!?!?! dang, someone needs to be shot
at Papy! they're supposed to give you core beta testers gold plated
free copies of the final, or something like that, as a thankyou. :)


Ed Benso

Grand Prix Legends!

by Ed Benso » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Thanks, Alison!

Ed Benson

Alison Hi

Grand Prix Legends!

by Alison Hi » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

On Thu, 01 Oct 1998 14:33:44 +1200, Grant Reeve

>> As I write this, a boxed copy of the retail version of Grand Prix
>> Legends sits beside me on my desk.  I purchased it minutes ago at my
>> local Electronics Boutique for $34.99.  The local Software, Etc., also
>> has it, but for $15 more.

>you had to buy your own copy?!?!?! dang, someone needs to be shot
>at Papy! they're supposed to give you core beta testers gold plated
>free copies of the final, or something like that, as a thankyou. :)

Yes, they are planning to give us copies, but I couldn't wait.  Retail
orders are being filled first before any copies get sent to Papyrus, so
it could be a while before we get ours.  I really wanted to see how the
books and packaging came out (very well, IMHO).  I plan to give the copy
I bought to a friend.


L. Andre Min

Grand Prix Legends!

by L. Andre Min » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> I plan to give the copy (of GPL) I bought to a friend.

> Alison




Jo Hels

Grand Prix Legends!

by Jo Hels » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00


Hi Alison!

Do you know me? I'm your new friend!!! :-)

I think we're gonna have a lot of fun together, but first give me that copy of
GPL and leave me alone for half a year <G>


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                             John Kenneth Galbraith
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