> My point is to beware of the Viper. Maybe by running it in DOS, you're
> running less of a risk or there will be no problem at all. As for N2 seeing
> the S3, um, have you tried reinstalling the game?
Hey,hey-cool down,fellows.
The one thing you have to do with Viper 330,or any other
graphic card of some character,in Windows 95,is to boot the new
card on vanilla VGA!
That is,first you uninstall the routines of your old card,shut
down your machine,change the old card for a new one,and boot.
The Windows 95 should now boot on VGA,and that is exactly
what you need.
Now put your V330-CD in its tray and perform the installation.
You can do it in two ways,at least,eg.the first one is to install
the Viper-drivers through the usual Windows 95-procedures,or just
following the advice through the autoboot-procedure of the CD.
If you experience problems,fdisk everything and perform a new,
clean installation of Windows 95.
If you have used USB,have a specific type of a motherboard,
exclusive drivers for your hard disk,networking equipment
et al.,the best thing always,is to install a clean,new Windows
Shortly:you have to learn how just YOUR hardware functions
under Windows 95,and believe me just the order,in which to
install different drivers,is crucial in this OS.
Just for the record,a properly installed Viper 330-AGP runs
demos/games like CPR,WCP,GP2,IRC and like,very smoothly indeed.
However,I haven't tried it with N2,but everything I have given
to it,has given me good or outstanding results.Even the 2D-