The things that bug me that I have not seen mentioned here are
1) The car auto-throttles when you try to do donuts, or recover
from a spin by flipping the back end around. Is there any way
to give it full power in 1st and leave it on until you want it off???
2) The damage model sucks, dropping from 6th to 1st and pulling
30,000 rpm is sure to blow something, driving around in 1st at max
rpm is sure to blow something, smacking head on into another driver
comming the other way with a closing speed of 600 km/hr 360 mp/h is
sure to result in more than a blown tyre. A heavy shunt has to result
in severe damage to both vehicles but it rarely does (loss of wing
is usually about it).
While some of the things mentioned above are not 'usually' done
I think the damage model leaves a lot to be desired.
Regards Scott.