Grand Prix II question

Mark Abbot

Grand Prix II question

by Mark Abbot » Tue, 25 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I found a single copy of Grand Prix II by Microprose at a Software Etc.
the other day for $44.99.  It is my understanding that Grand Prix II has
been pulled from store shelves.  Is it worth this price? I know it is an
older sim.


Allan McCarvill

Grand Prix II question

by Allan McCarvill » Tue, 25 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Ditto, the best, don't walk, run run run Get it!!.

> Grand Prix II is simply the best F1 simulator in the world. Other sims may
> have more flashy textured graphics, 3Dfx, etc, but GP II has the most fun,
> responsive, and accurate car dynamics of any racing sim today.  The cars are
> absolutely 'tossable' and respond like they should. I raced Karts in the IKF
> for several years, and GP II is the closest thing to real race driving you
> can get on a computer..

> Buy it..

> regd's
> =rez=

> >I found a single copy of Grand Prix II by Microprose at a Software Etc.
> >the other day for $44.99.  It is my understanding that Grand Prix II has
> >been pulled from store shelves.  Is it worth this price? I know it is an
> >older sim.

> >Thanks.

George Buhr I

Grand Prix II question

by George Buhr I » Tue, 25 Aug 1998 04:00:00

sounds a little high to me, but then again, you can't find it anywhere, so
it might be worth it, personally I love the game, and if you don't have it
yet, get it, you won't be disappointed.

>I found a single copy of Grand Prix II by Microprose at a Software Etc.
>the other day for $44.99.  It is my understanding that Grand Prix II has
>been pulled from store shelves.  Is it worth this price? I know it is an
>older sim.


Michael Zamaroc

Grand Prix II question

by Michael Zamaroc » Tue, 25 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I found GP2 at a place in Pasadena, CA called Interact CD ROM for $24.95

Just call the information number in the (626) area code area for their

Also, they got a lot of imports you don't normally find here yet, like
TOCA, and others.


Grand Prix II question

by =REZ » Wed, 26 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Grand Prix II is simply the best F1 simulator in the world. Other sims may
have more flashy textured graphics, 3Dfx, etc, but GP II has the most fun,
responsive, and accurate car dynamics of any racing sim today.  The cars are
absolutely 'tossable' and respond like they should. I raced Karts in the IKF
for several years, and GP II is the closest thing to real race driving you
can get on a computer..

Buy it..


>I found a single copy of Grand Prix II by Microprose at a Software Etc.
>the other day for $44.99.  It is my understanding that Grand Prix II has
>been pulled from store shelves.  Is it worth this price? I know it is an
>older sim.



Grand Prix II question

by Rccraze1 » Wed, 26 Aug 1998 04:00:00

It may be old but despite the fact that you need a fast CPu to play it on SVGA,
it is still the best sim out there as far as realism.  Plus with all the
patches and addons on the web it can be upgraded to the 98 season fully, tracks
and all.




Grand Prix II question

by DPHI » Wed, 26 Aug 1998 04:00:00

>Date: 8/24/98 9:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time<BR>

>I found GP2 at a place in Pasadena, CA called Interact CD ROM for $24.95<BR>
>Just call the information number in the (626) area code area for their<BR>
>Also, they got a lot of imports you don't normally find here yet, like<BR>
>TOCA, and others.<BR>

"Interact - A CD-Rom Store"  626-578-7282

I've purchased 2 copies (used) of GP2 there at $20.00 ea and N2 for $15.00.
Many, many other titles available. Good people too.


"To race is to live, everything else is just waiting." - Rudi Caricciola


Grand Prix II question

by _99_Nasty__F » Wed, 26 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Agreed!!!!!!! another ex kart racer here who still plays it...after all
these years it has yet to be dethroned.

>Grand Prix II is simply the best F1 simulator in the world. Other sims may
>have more flashy textured graphics, 3Dfx, etc, but GP II has the most fun,
>responsive, and accurate car dynamics of any racing sim today.  The cars
>absolutely 'tossable' and respond like they should. I raced Karts in the
>for several years, and GP II is the closest thing to real race driving you
>can get on a computer..

>Buy it..


>>I found a single copy of Grand Prix II by Microprose at a Software Etc.
>>the other day for $44.99.  It is my understanding that Grand Prix II has
>>been pulled from store shelves.  Is it worth this price? I know it is an
>>older sim.


Graham O Donova

Grand Prix II question

by Graham O Donova » Wed, 26 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I had to pay full price for a second  hand version but 'twas worth every
David No

Grand Prix II question

by David No » Wed, 26 Aug 1998 04:00:00

ValueSoft has it for $26.00

>I found a single copy of Grand Prix II by Microprose at a Software Etc.
>the other day for $44.99.  It is my understanding that Grand Prix II has
>been pulled from store shelves.  Is it worth this price? I know it is an
>older sim.



Grand Prix II question

by GFolger8 » Thu, 27 Aug 1998 04:00:00

it is so good its worth every dime!  It made me start watching GP racing, which
I had never had an interest.  I'm now a fan.  Buy this game!!


Grand Prix II question

by Wolf » Thu, 27 Aug 1998 04:00:00

>I found a single copy of Grand Prix II by Microprose at a Software Etc.
>the other day for $44.99.  It is my understanding that Grand Prix II has
>been pulled from store shelves.  Is it worth this price? I know it is an
>older sim.

It really is a great sim, but the price is a bit too high. In Denmark I just
saw the same game for only $25.

For e-mail respond, please remove _remove_

Dave Hawn

Grand Prix II question

by Dave Hawn » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

GP2, it's just awesome!

Grand Prix II question

by WildOreg » Fri, 28 Aug 1998 04:00:00

other day >for $44.99.  It is my understanding that Grand >Prix II has been
pulled from store shelves.  >Is it worth this price?






Jees, it's just like my kids when they first discovered cake and ice cream.
They'd look up as if to ask, "Daddy, is it ok if I take a bite?"

sorry for the quick rant.  thank you for your patience....  ;)

Charles A Smi

Grand Prix II question

by Charles A Smi » Mon, 31 Aug 1998 04:00:00

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but how does it compare to F1RS in
terms of racing "feel?"


>Agreed!!!!!!! another ex kart racer here who still plays it...after all
>these years it has yet to be dethroned.

>>Grand Prix II is simply the best F1 simulator in the world. Other sims may
>>have more flashy textured graphics, 3Dfx, etc, but GP II has the most fun,
>>responsive, and accurate car dynamics of any racing sim today.  The cars
>>absolutely 'tossable' and respond like they should. I raced Karts in the
>>for several years, and GP II is the closest thing to real race driving you
>>can get on a computer..

>>Buy it..


>>>I found a single copy of Grand Prix II by Microprose at a Software Etc.
>>>the other day for $44.99.  It is my understanding that Grand Prix II has
>>>been pulled from store shelves.  Is it worth this price? I know it is an
>>>older sim.

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