Yesterday I've received a little postcard from EA/Road & Track that
gives me an offer on NFS SE for $24.95. They advertised it as an upgrade,
but seems like one has to buy the whole CD. (I did register my NFS, so
probably that's why I am on their mailing list.) Features they advertised:
-Two new tracks
-8-player network
-"Mirror-track" (go backward on the same track)
-New game-engine ("tune-up")
-New in-game musics
-Drive morning/day/night
My question: is NFS SE already out? Certainly looks like it is... I
will call their 1-800 number today.
LaLa (Imre Olajos, Jr.) _/ean /\/\ichel _/arre and -=\/=- angelis fan
WWW : | |
~~~ []/\() ~~~~~~~~~~ "Music should be free." /Vangelis/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~