OK, Bored now, just seeing how far people would go on this, no one picked up
on the .bin attachment, oh well. No matter how many rules or 'sig files' try
to brain wash us it doesn't work, people will do what comes naturally to
them. Newsgroups aren't a club with rules that you have to sign up to it's a
'centre of excellance', well they used to be but all you seem to get these
days is abuse if you disagree with the 'norm'. Why was I called a 'lame
brain' and a 'moron' for voicing an opinion. These days advice on auto
simulators is much better served by specialist forums where you can admit to
not knowing or being a noob without the associated abuse you get here. I
remember the days that you could hardly keep up with the posts on this
newsgroup, nowadays, once a week is sufficient to keep up. It's obviosly not
the place to be these days.
Anyway, keep up the good work guys it's entertaining at least.
Remove only one zero to reply.
> something like:
> >>Seriously speaking, I don't think that it really matters whether we
> >>use top or bottom posting (although I believe that netiquette suggests
> >>one of those methods...) as long as everyone posts the same way.
> >>Right? Otherwise it'll be a mess. Well, it already is.
> >Netiquette also suggests t*** your posts, ho hum.
> Did you miss my point accidentaly or on purpose?
> >>IMHO ppl have been "spoiled" by the configurability of the web boards;
> >>you can arrange the messages in descending or ascending order and it
> >>doesn't affect other users. But newsgroups lack this configurability
> >>and they rely on the mutual understanding of the users.
> >You can sort your messages how you want them in any half decent news
> >client.
> Ok, I wasn't clear enough. I meant that you can't configure the
> newsreader to show the posts (=quotes) in the preferred order within
> one message. It can get confusing when there are both top and bottom
> posting in the same message (thus the unt*** in my previous post,
> trying to make a point, to no avail apparently).
> In web boards quoting in almost always unnecessary as the messages
> are that you reply to always appear right before or right after your's
> (depending on your preferences). Thus you don't have to worry about
> top or bottom posting there, you just set your preferences and forget
> about it. Although I don't think that I've ever seen anyone top
> posting while quoting in web boards...
> --
> Jussi 'Igor' Koukku