driver_consistency_to_dlong_lookahead_dev = 0.4
driver_consistency_to_dlat_lookahead_dev = 0.4
change the value in the line to this...
driver_consistency_to_dlong_lookahead_dev = 1.0 ;0.4
driver_consistency_to_dlat_lookahead_dev = 1.0 ;0.4
the original value is there just so you don't forget the #. the ; is
like a rem statement
and everything after it gets ignored.
dave henrie
| This is from the uspits. it is a workaround, not a fix, but the ai
| behave
| somewhat better.
| in the main N4 folder is a file called papy_ai.ini
| open that and look for the following lines..about a halfway down the first
| section.
| driver_consistency_to_dlong_lookahead_dev = 0.4
| driver_consistency_to_dlat_lookahead_dev = 0.4
| change the value in the line to this...
| driver_consistency_to_dlong_lookahead_dev = 1.0 ;0.4
| driver_consistency_to_dlat_lookahead_dev = 1.0 ;0.4
| the original value is there just so you don't forget the #. the ; is
| like a rem statement
| and everything after it gets ignored.
| dave henrie
| > I just tried to race a season. The first race at Daytona was fine, but
| > 2nd race at north carolina sucked. The AI cars acted like this was a
| > demolition derby. I like the game but I may put it on the shelf till a
| patch
| > comes out. Anyone know of a fix?
| >
| >
I have found that if I am patient, HOLD MY LINES, take my time and don't
stick my nose into bad passing situations, get in position quickly on
yellows and stay in line (otherwise I get wacked by AI wizzing by to get to
their spots), stay in the outside line when the AI is pitting and have a
good stable setup, I have had no problems with this game now that I have put
in those little tweaks.
I played with the AI and had some nice runs there, but for some reason
in the season mode it was pretty horrid... I think half the laps, if
not more, were run under caution. the longest green flag run was like
15 laps at a time. usually they'd wreck on the restart or within 2-3
laps of it...
>driver_consistency_to_dlong_lookahead_dev = 0.4
>driver_consistency_to_dlat_lookahead_dev = 0.4
>change the value in the line to this...
>driver_consistency_to_dlong_lookahead_dev = 1.0 ;0.4
>driver_consistency_to_dlat_lookahead_dev = 1.0 ;0.4
> the original value is there just so you don't forget the #. the ; is
>like a rem statement
>and everything after it gets ignored.
>dave henrie
>> I just tried to race a season. The first race at Daytona was fine, but the
>> 2nd race at north carolina sucked. The AI cars acted like this was a
>> demolition derby. I like the game but I may put it on the shelf till a
>> comes out. Anyone know of a fix?
> driver_consistency_to_dlong_lookahead_dev = 0.4
> driver_consistency_to_dlat_lookahead_dev = 0.4
> change the value in the line to this...
> driver_consistency_to_dlong_lookahead_dev = 1.0 ;0.4
> driver_consistency_to_dlat_lookahead_dev = 1.0 ;0.4
> the original value is there just so you don't forget the #. the ; is
> like a rem statement
> and everything after it gets ignored.
> dave henrie
John DiFool
Well, I am not a loyal NASCAR viewer, but I have watched a few races
in my time. I don't recall drivers running into others on purpose,
It's getting old! I spent almost $1K upgrading my machine (N4 is
partly responsible for that) and all that happens now are fantastic
frame rates and AI drivers crashing into me faster and more often than
before :-)
>>I just tried to race a season. The first race at Daytona was fine, but the
>>2nd race at north carolina sucked. The AI cars acted like this was a
>>demolition derby. I like the game but I may put it on the shelf till a patch
>>comes out. Anyone know of a fix?
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