connected a very old Thrustmaster wheel and pedal to the game port so that I
could use one pedal as a clutch. This works fine in other sims. In F1
Challenge, when I push in the clutch pedal to calibrate it, the "bar" on the
screen doesn't go all the way to the top. In other words, when the clutch
is pushed in all the way, it is not completely disengaged.
Is there a way I can force this to be correct? I've tried to select a key
as the clutch and then select the pedal hoping it would force a
re-calibration, but it calibrates the same way.
I realize a clutch isn't a big part of F1 racing, but this is the first sim
I've come across where you can stall out, so I like using it (if only I
could get it to work correctly).