Whoosh! Through to the 'keeper.
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
> Ummm, that's what this newgroup is for. Or did I accidentally wander into
> alt.parenting.***feeding again? We discuss racing sims, and
> occasionally, their pros & cons. Wow, imagine that. Call it navel gazing
> if you wish, but you don't have to read it if you don't like it, bigshot.
> >What is the point of this examination into the pros, cons, rights,
> >goods, bads etcetera ad infinitum of the game anyway? Why the big
> >at navel-gazing and pondering whether it should be this, could be that or
> >may be something else alltogether?
> >The whole aspect of like or dislike, good or bad, game or simulation, is
> >subjective anyway and what appeals to one may be completely out-of-whack
> >another.
> >Surely it is blatantly obvious that we are not all going to be satisfied
> >100% of the time simply because we are individuals. We simply need to
> >trying to be missionary-like in forcing personal messages of
> dissatisfaction
> >down other's throats and respect the fact that our likes and dislikes may
> be
> >vastly different.
> >--
> >Regards,
> >Bruce Kennewell,
> >Canberra, Australia.
> >---------------------------
> >> People seem to be missing the point of my original post. There is
> nothing
> >> real about driving a computer in your living room, but there are tools
> you
> >> can use to better compensate for this fact like force feedback wheels
> >> speedometers.
> >> But consider this - if GPL had an average crappy physics system would
> >all
> >> be playing it? Would we all know the nuances of the 1967 season and be
> >> complaining about inaccuracies? What if Papyrus had chosen to do a
> >sim
> >> with that amazing physics engine? We'd all be CART-heads. Let's be
> >> thankful they didn't, but really, whatever sim gives me the best racing
> >> experience I'll be playing. It's not about historical inaccuracies
> >> about the racing.
> >> Thanks
> >> JH
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