the net to buy. Can anyone help me out please?
I ordered my copy from - a British company. The
service has always been great and in addition to Grand Prix World, I
and rec'd GP4 and GP3 2000 well in advance of their North American
dates. The cost on their website is 9.99 pounds or about $17.
Good Luck
Guy Patterson
Harrisburg, PA
Please can anyone give me a hint where to get it or a link where to download
it from or could anyone send it to me (I am from Austria)?
> I ordered my copy from - a British company.
> service has always been great and in addition to Grand Prix World, I
> ordered
> and rec'd GP4 and GP3 2000 well in advance of their North American
> release
> dates. The cost on their website is 9.99 pounds or about $17.
> Good Luck
> Guy Patterson
> Harrisburg, PA
> > I am looking for this racing management game, but cant find it anywhere
> in
> > the net to buy. Can anyone help me out please?