Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

Chuck Stuar

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by Chuck Stuar » Mon, 22 Jul 1996 04:00:00

> newsgroup will always be here.  If people want to
> reach EVERYONE that races any kind of simulation, than they can post
> it here, or cross post to the NASCAR newsgroup and the
> newsgroup.  What's the big deal?

NEVER cross post. No one wants to read your messages more than once.

Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA

Michael E. Carv

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by Michael E. Carv » Mon, 22 Jul 1996 04:00:00

: The article was addressed to people that are into NASCAR Racing
: strictly.

Now hold on a minute.  Since I dabble in Indycar & F1 as well as NASCAR,
I'm being asked to ***out, cuz I don't solely devote myself to NASCAR!
Excuse me, but the last time I checked this newsgroup was about  This attitude is exactly what I would like to NOT
see.  And it is this elitist attitude that is fostered when a nice big
community such as r.a.s. begins to segregate its self into individual
exclusive neighborhoods.

: I'm talking about starting up a newsgroup with a slightly more
: specific interest.  The whole group ( doesn't
: need to be divided.  If enough NASCAR racers would enjoy having a
: separate newsgroup, than what's the big deal?  If the ICR2 drivers,
: the GP2 drivers, etc, don't want a separate newsgroup, than that's OK.

And let's not forgot

Why do we need to break up a community.  Could it be that some people are
beginning to feel their influence wear thin as the conversation turns to
something they are not interested in?  As you all may have gathered, I
am a very suspicious person.  There's always more lurking about than
meets the eye at first glance.  And before the flames begin, this is not
directed at any one individual or any particular posting it is an
observation of the "tone" and "pattern" I am beginning to see develop
as this discussion continues.

"My sims bigger than yours" syndrome? ;-)

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

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Kyle Langst

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by Kyle Langst » Mon, 22 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>>        How many people out there are actually serious about having a
>>newsgroup devoted strictly to NASCAR Racing simulation topics?  With
>>NASCAR 2 and the NRL looming in the future, it would definitely cut
>>down on the clutter in this newsgroup.  
>>        First, a decision needs to be made as to whether a separate newsgroup
>>should be for a particular series (NASCAR in this case) or more a
>>general category of racing (closed***pit as opposed to open wheel
>>        Second, somebody needs to find out how to get a project like this
>>rolling, assuming there is enough interest to warrant the creation of
>>a new newsgroup.  I have no idea how to do this, nor where to find
>>information about creating a newsgroup.  
>>        Note:  I'm not trying to assume a 'leader' role in this situation.
>>I've read multiple articles on the subject, so I know some people that
>>frequent this newsgroup may be into this suggestion (which was not
>>originated by me).  If you are NOT interested in this new newsgroup
>>idea, there is no point in responding to this article.  Ditto if you
>>are not into the NASCAR side of simulated racing.
>   I had to read your message a few times to try to make sense of
>it.  What the hell is the point of taking a survey of only positive
>responses?  If you get ten yes's you'll go ahead, even if there were
>100 no's?!?  

Well, that's an exaggerated case. I think there will be a lot more
positive response compared to the negative.  Even Ed Martin feels it's
a good idea.

- Show quoted text -

>   While I don't have the specific proceedure, I've always heard that
>creating a new (non-ALT) news group is a major pain in the butt.  A
>formal proposal, comment period, voting (both majority and a minimum
>of 100 positive votes required), and hoping the group gets propigated
>across the net. (NOTE: those are not exact numbers/procedures, but
>just what I remember.)  You can create a new ALT group more easily,
>but propigation is all the more difficult.  For more answers try
>news.answers or the news.admin.* or news.groups.* hierarchies.
>   For myself, I think its unwise to split r.a.s. or add sub-segments
>such as r.a.s.nascar.  The traffic is not that bad, there is sufficient
>common interest between the different factions.  I think its short-
>sighted to start new newsgroups based on a particular sim, which is
>subject to the whims of consumer popularity and publisher support.
>Assuming, heaven forbid, NASCAR pulls out and Sierra/Papyrus pulls the
>plug on Hawaii?  What's the point of a separate newsgroup for Hawaii
>then?  Or when do we create a newsgroup for Visiware's F1 sim?
>>        I can't WAIT to see what comes of this posting.
>   Well, you didn't want to hear any of this, but there it is.  ;)
>PS - I see that Tony Johns has started the ball rolling on this, so
>     you don't have to worry about doing the work and we'll all see
>     how it turns out based on the votes of *everyone* in r.a.s.

>Pick one or more: Model Rockets (competition-NERCB) / PCs (even Atari!) /
>Papyrus ICR-ICR2-NCR / Who needs a life when you have multiple non-lives?

Kyle Langston

Michael E. Carv

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by Michael E. Carv » Mon, 22 Jul 1996 04:00:00

: >: The article was addressed to people that are into NASCAR Racing
: >: strictly.

: >Now hold on a minute.  Since I dabble in Indycar & F1 as well as NASCAR,
: >I'm being asked to ***out, cuz I don't solely devote myself to NASCAR!
: >Excuse me, but the last time I checked this newsgroup was about
: >  This attitude is exactly what I would like to NOT
: >see.  And it is this elitist attitude that is fostered when a nice big
: >community such as r.a.s. begins to segregate its self into individual
: >exclusive neighborhoods.

: Lord, lighten up, Mike!  I was anticipating people like yourself that
: own multiple racing simulations crabbing about liking everything in
: one place.  Just trying to use a little insight.  Geez!

Sorry, Kyle, maybe I misunderstood your "The article was addressed to
people that are into NASCAR Racing strictly." comment.  From your
response, I drew the conclusion that if one isn't a NASCAR purest, they
aren't allowed to discuss the issues surrounding "our" newsgroup.  If
that wasn't your intent, then you should "lighten up" as you say, and
word your responses a little more carefully in the future.

Kyle, you are very welcome to your opinions, but please be careful about
how you respond to other people's opinions.  I may seem a little harsh
in response to your posts recently, but that is because you have been
rather harsh and unkind to other people's opinions and posts in this
newsgroup of late.

: Check out Ed Martin's contribution to the Re:
: thread.  He's behind it 100%, and he
: provided very good reasons why.

And this doesn't sound the slightest "elitist"?  I did read Ed's
reasons, and in my own humble opinion most of his reasons do not justify
breaking up the newsgroup.  He is extremely justified in his goals.  In
that I stand behind him 100%  I just doubt that splitting the newsgroup
will even come close to achieving them.

But hey, these are just the opinions of 2 humble human beings.  There
are others out there.  They all have the right to be heard.  So don't go
trying to shut people out of this process.

And Kyle, I pride myself on my insight, it's one of my good features ;-)

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Tony Joh

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by Tony Joh » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

sent shooting through ***space:

Just a quick comment -- the RFD I posted on news.groups, et al.,
recommends the following divisions:            General auto sim information.         Formula One simulator info.       IndyCar simulator info.     NASCAR simulator info.

This allows for the possibility for designers such as Visiware, EA
(who is entering into the stock car sim market this fall), and others
to get equal time for their products.  And, as always, if a group
"dies" (i.e. goes down to about 10 posts a week), an RFD can be
established to "delete" the group by forwarding all its traffic back
into the more general subdivision.
Tony Johns (Hawaii: IWCCCARS)
IWCCCARS Project Coordinator

Tony Joh

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by Tony Joh » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

On Sun, 21 Jul 1996 19:19:16 -0500, "Thomas E. Retkowski"

I hate to contradict you, because it makes me look like I'm
self-glorifying and vain, but the RFD for this newsgroup split has
been in the works for a month, per discussions with Ed Martin and
others regarding moderated and specialized newsgroups.  Your effort
and my effort are completely unconnected, as, I'm assuming, you are
simply calling for the creation of a group
and the formal RFD calls for a three-way newsgroup reorganization.
Tony Johns (Hawaii: IWCCCARS)
IWCCCARS Project Coordinator

Double Clut

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by Double Clut » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>> newsgroup will always be here.  If people want to
>> reach EVERYONE that races any kind of simulation, than they can post
>> it here, or cross post to the NASCAR newsgroup and the
>> newsgroup.  What's the big deal?

>NEVER cross post. No one wants to read your messages more than once.

>Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA

I can see it now... people crossposting to every* group,
because "they wanted to reach the bigest audience," or "I wasn't sure where my
message belonged so I sent it to all the goups." Like we don't get enough spam
on Usenet now.
Double Clut

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by Double Clut » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00


Oh yeah, like he's not biased. :-)

Jeff Vince

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by Jeff Vince » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>>   I had to read your message a few times to try to make sense of
>>it.  What the hell is the point of taking a survey of only positive
>>responses?  If you get ten yes's you'll go ahead, even if there were
>>100 no's?!?  
>Well, that's an exaggerated case. I think there will be a lot more
>positive response compared to the negative.  Even Ed Martin feels it's
>a good idea.

   And how do you *know* that if you're only soliciting positive
responses?  It's a lot of work to do to find out your wrong in the

   And "Ed Martin thinks it a good idea"...  You've put this in 3-4
messages as a badge of approval.  I respect Ed, I'm glad he's here,
but he has no more input into it than you or I.

   You say he gave several good reasons (in another post), but of
the four "problems" he has with the group, only one will be aided
by r.a.s.nascar (too much message traffic).

   On another note, I'm a bit confused about who's doing this now.
Tony Johns has said he is creating 4 new groups (f1, indy, nascar,
misc), but I haven't seen an RFD from him yet.  The only RFD I've
seen is from Thomas E. Retkowski, which would only create
r.a.s.nascar (and which has some fundamental flaws).  You guys
had better get your act together.

Pick one or more: Model Rockets (competition-NERCB) / PCs (even Atari!) /
Papyrus ICR-ICR2-NCR / Who needs a life when you have multiple non-lives?

Matt Mye

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by Matt Mye » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>    How many people out there are actually serious about having a
>newsgroup devoted strictly to NASCAR Racing simulation topics?  With
>NASCAR 2 and the NRL looming in the future, it would definitely cut
>down on the clutter in this newsgroup.  


>Kyle Langston

Just my $0.02, but I think this would be a good idea if implemented
properly.  It would be not so much a splitting of this group, but a
specific branch.  I for one like to follow all the SIMS and browse
almost all the articles, but having a more detailed means of finding
information on one product/racing type would be invaluable.

On the other hand, playing the devil's advocate, creating a new group
would lend to crossposting and create more of a them vs. us mentality
(looks what just the proposal of it has done to our happy family).
Perhaps we can propose an alternative idea, such as some type of
subject header standard (e.g.  NASCAR:, INDYCAR2:, F1GP2:Topic).

I'll continue reading and posting no matter what happens, just wanted
my opinion known.

Matt Myers
Expressing individualism is just plain wrong.

                          Crow T. Robot

David J. Ran

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by David J. Ran » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00


My vote would have to be no. Although at this time I have no interest
in racing sims other than Nascar Racing, who knows when that could
change?  With ICR2, GP2, NFS, Nascar Racing, and others like X-car,
etc. being developed, I don't look forward to having to check each
individual newsgroup for information. And can I count on Netcom to
pick up these new groups? Probably not. Wouldn't it be just as easy to
state in the subject heading which simulation you're talking about?
Why not use abreviations? Nascar=NAS, GP2 =Grand Prix 2, etc.

BTW, although I respect Ed Martin for his contributions to r.a.s, and
I am very grateful that he takes the time to answer questions here, I
find it humorous that you use his opinion to sway votes in your favor.

Why would he not agree? It cuts down his leisure time spent on r.a.s.
answering questions in half.

I'd like to see a different solution than this. Perhaps a mailing
list, or the above suggestion, but not splitting up r.a.s. Perhaps a
better newsreader would be in order. I use Free Agent from Forte. It
doesn't have kill files, but it's pretty easy to download headers,
peruse them offline, pick which ones you want to read, and then
download them. It also works online, and it's FREE.

David Range

Timothy Accar

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by Timothy Accar » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

On Jul 22, 1996 00:49:05 in article <Proposed R.A.S. split (was Re:

A few thoughts:

1- I think this RFD would go over more smoothly with USENET if was dropped and replaced with  I'm really not sure why, I just know this was
the case with the rec.aquaria reorganization.  This creates more problems
in itself, such as the need for the addition of other groups and which
subjects fall into the misc. category.

2- crossposting will occur if a r.a.s or r.a.s.m group exists.  It is
inevitable, even with an FAQ.  Athough many newsreaders can filter out
crossposts, many cannot.

3- a person can miss out on information they may be interested in.  Here's
an example:

Someone in the f1 group wants to know how a T2 performs with GP2.  Someone
responds to this post with info on handling, construction, durability,
maintenance, price, etc.
Someone who only follows the nascar group who is interested in the T2 would
miss out on this info.  Without  a split they would see this info.  Of
course this person could post a T2 question to the nascar group.

My point is this.  I only race NASCAR, but have often read threads for
ICR2, F1GP, etc.  which I found interesting or which I thought I could get
some info which would be helpful.   At this time I have no plans on racing
any sim other than NASCAR (NASCAR2), but if there is a split I would follow
all the groups for the above reason.  But I would rather have all the info
in a single group.  I'll vote no.


David J. Ran

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by David J. Ran » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>>>Well, that's an exaggerated case. I think there will be a lot more
>>>positive response compared to the negative.  Even Ed Martin feels it's
>>>a good idea.
>>BTW, although I respect Ed Martin for his contributions to r.a.s, and
>>I am very grateful that he takes the time to answer questions here, I
>>find it humorous that you use his opinion to sway votes in your favor.
>What I'm doing is stating a FACT.  Ed is somewhat well known in this
>newsgroup (or is that NOT a fact?), and I was simply referring to an
>earlier article he had posted backing this idea.

The point is you were using Ed Martin's opinion and affiliation with
Papyrus as a form of intimidation to sway opinions. You didn't mention
anyone else's name that agreed with the split because they don't have
that name recognition. Ed's opinion is his own opinion and not law on

Don't get so offended. Remember you asked for opinions, and you've
turned this into a crusade. Can you guarantee that all participants of
r.a.s. will be able to get r.a.s.nascar? Does everyone get The point is that some people will be
lost in this shuffle, people who can't get r.a.s.nascar, and others
who don't follow r.a.s. daily. Is someone going to post a reminder
that r.a.s.nascar is available in r.a.s every week?  BTW, you didn't
offer any opinion to the above ideas. Calm down and quit thinking this
is personal.

David Range

 >Kyle Langston

- Show quoted text -

Kyle Langst

Starting a NASCAR-specific newsgroup

by Kyle Langst » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>>Well, that's an exaggerated case. I think there will be a lot more
>>positive response compared to the negative.  Even Ed Martin feels it's
>>a good idea.
>BTW, although I respect Ed Martin for his contributions to r.a.s, and
>I am very grateful that he takes the time to answer questions here, I
>find it humorous that you use his opinion to sway votes in your favor.

What I'm doing is stating a FACT.  Ed is somewhat well known in this
newsgroup (or is that NOT a fact?), and I was simply referring to an
earlier article he had posted backing this idea.

I find it HUMOROUS that you use the phrase 'splitting up r.a.s.' when
referring to the potential creation of a r.a.s.nascar newsgroup.  If
the GP2ers, the ICR2ers, etc., don't want to go about creating
separate newsgroups (unless that comes about anyway in the process of
creating subgroups to this one) then they can post in r.a.s. and be
confident in reaching others of the same interest.  r.a.s.nascar would
be just one more newsgroup to subscribe to.  No information would be
lost.  It would just be better organized.

Kyle Langston is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.