Hi chaps , thought I was a bit ***'cos I can't get near to the replay
time at the Ring but these posts have cheered me on.
Best time in Lotus 8.48.33 but feeling like I'm just about to die a horrible
death any second.
Switch to the Ferrari and fling in round in ....
8.42.20 !!
feeling like there's more where that came from. Highly recommended.
Struggling at Mexico. Can't get better than 1.54.19 think I'm sliding around
through the esses too much , any suggestions ?
Cheers Jim Wheatly ( no relation to Tim )
I found the same thing at the Ring, hopped in the Ferrari for the first time and
within 5 laps had my PB down by 10 secs!! 8:32
As for setups, I am using Roland's setup packages from Schubi's. Having a
complete set of setups from one driver really seems to help switching from track
to track, and even car to car.
As for mexico... i was running barely under 2 mins in the Cooper until one day
I paid a visit to:
I've done a 1:50.xx in the cooper +) sadly lost my player.ini due to a winvroc
crash before i discovered GPLrank +(
Slowly rebuilding
> Best time in Lotus 8.48.33 but feeling like I'm just about to die a horrible
> death any second.
> Switch to the Ferrari and fling in round in ....
> 8.42.20 !!
> feeling like there's more where that came from. Highly recommended.
> Struggling at Mexico. Can't get better than 1.54.19 think I'm sliding around
> through the esses too much , any suggestions ?
> Cheers Jim Wheatly ( no relation to Tim )
The Cooper is a terrific car as well, lovely handling. I can't get it
anywhere near 1:50 at Mexico though, 1:55 is my PB there in that car.
My current GPL Rank handicap is +57.760, pos 503. Not bad to say I only
learnt 3 of the tracks a few days ago. :)
GPLRank +6.71
> The Cooper is a terrific car as well, lovely handling. I can't get it
> anywhere near 1:50 at Mexico though, 1:55 is my PB there in that car.
> My current GPL Rank handicap is +57.760, pos 503. Not bad to say I only
> learnt 3 of the tracks a few days ago. :)