I really love GP500, i play it with my Joystick Sidewinder FF, because for me
it's more natural that my MS FF wheel. However i don't use analogue throtle to
accelerate or brake, because i don't like the throtle control on the MS FF
joystick. What i'd like, it's to use the pedal of my MS FF wheel to accel and
brake, my MS FF joystick to turn, lead left ,right ( twist ), lead
foward,backward, and change gears.
So is there any electronique device with it's software that with them,i could
plug both MS FF Wheel and MS FF joystick in the same time, and ther will be both
recognise in the directx games, either as 2 device nor 1 device with common
If there recognise as 1 device with common axes, i'll can't use my MS FF joy to
lead forward, backward, but i prefer that to accel/brake with buttons.
If it's not possible, is there anything to plug my to devices in the same time,
and with a button i can swith between them witout unplug anything. ( MS
sidewinder drivers, recognise automaticly the device ).
Thank in advance for answers ! I apologise for my bad english.
Sebastien Tixier - Game Developer