Funny you bring this up. This past week I just upgraded my old
SoundBlaster16, (first Generation, ISA), with thier new Soundblaster Live!
Value. There was no need to spend another $100 for the full package as I
dont need to hook up a guitar/synthesizer to the card. I was luck enough to
get it for $69 which is well below the normal $99 in most store,
(connections baby!). Anyways..... I have a P2-300 and Monster3d voodoo1 and
was getting about 20-25fps with full detail. When I went to a the PCI sound
card, it does free up a little bit of a bottle neck and boosted me to about
30fps. Not all that much of a boost, but I was planning on upgrading the
sound anyways so I will take it.
Also, dont bother getting a Voodoo2 until you get a P2 system. You wont
notice a very big increase in framerates on a Pentium system as the Voodoo2
really runs best ona P2 system. The more mhz, the better for the Voodoo2. I
dont know exactly why, but Im sure you could find something in print on or something of that sort. Reaserch the card that you
want to buy as well, sometimes the cheapest is exactly that, just plain and
simple cheap and not worth it. Others are probably over priced for what they
have to offer....there are many opinions, but look closely before buying.
Do yourself a favor, go ahead and upgrade to a P2 when you get the cash.
That is the best thing you can do for those extra FPS, then pick up a good
Voodoo2 card. All together you should be able to upgrade to P2-300 (or so)
for about $500 (case, motherboard, and CPU. Dont go to Comp-USA or anything,
find a "mom-n-pops" store and bring them a free pizza or something, you wont
believe what you can get for a free pizza. Serious, give it a try.
Good luck, and happy racing.
>The M3D works very well on almost any game i've tried it on,even GPL have
>32-36fps with some not so important graphics turned of, but the problem is
>me and my friend plays multiplayer in GPL the fps is not good enough.
>I can't afford to upgrade the hole system to a PII system so I wonder about
>a PCI sound card insted of my ISA and a V2 as it it the cheapest upgrade to
>do to
>get GPL run better.