It appears that my experience with no one connecting was just
a fluke. I did it again last night and it was awesome. No warping
at all. Just some guy driving the #99 car that couldn't keep it
straight worth a crap.
I asked the 7 other people who were in my race what connection
speeds they had and everyone said 56K. So it appears that if the
host is using a fast connection (I have 320K DSL), the warping
will be almost non existent.
I am thinking of hosting races with 7 other people that are decent
drivers. We will have passwords to keep the riff-raff out. So if you
are a decent driver and want to give it a try email me. I will mostly
be racing online in the evenings Central Daylight Time, and some
weekend afternoons - like today :-) If you are interested, you should
have proper driving etiquette (like if you are many laps down let the
leaders go past, and make it a priority to not wreck).
All of my races will be 10% against 25 total cars including AI
cars. Yes you must drive around them and be patient. There
will be no damage, no yellows and no pace lap to maximize
the *FUN* (as I see it anyway).
Anyway send me email if you are interested!