No, you can have many drivers, depending on the quality of the host and the
quality of your connection.
Here's what ya do:
Click on multiplayer of course, and this takes you to the join or host
screen. Make sure both tcp/ip and internet boxes are checked. Do not check
ipx. Then, click on either join or host.
This takes you to the multiplayer menu. If you have clicked "join", you will
now see a list of races. For instance, you would have seen my dega, as my id
I set was dburn. You then highlite the race, and from there you can either
ping or join. You can ping it to get a good view of your latency. If your
comfortable you can race in it, you can click on join, if the creator issued
a password, you would enter it there as well. That's all there is too it, no
need in knowing ip addresses and such.
If your hosting, you can either password it or not, and set all your race
parameters, yes, even including fixed setups :) You can even set the latency
parameters of drivers you will allow in the race, along with how many
starting field size), and whether you want any ai cars in the race ( along
with their strength). Now, even if you do not check the ai box, you will
still see them in the pits depending on your field size. You'll notice they
don't run on the track though, and as you get more live races, they leave in
disgust :).
Ok, now for the really cool part:
When you host or join a race, you will two boxes to the right, that say
Player id and car. Player id is where you type in your id name, ie I had
typed in Dburn. It can be whatever you want it to be, just if your hosting a
league run make sure everyone knows the id you will sign on as.
Second box - car. Yep, you can pick which car you want to drive. Say you
have a custom car, in my case the infamous #16 Dburn car. I have it it my
cars directory saved as Dburn2. I type in "Dburn2" in the car box. Note the
name you type in must match the name of your custom car file. You will then
be driving your own car.
Now, for the wayyyy cool part. League racing where everyone sees your custom
car. Get the league to put together a collection of everyone's N3 cars.
Can't import N2 cars, gotta be N3 car files. Someone get them together , zip
em up, and send to the aoll list. Then, everyone extract them to your N3
cars directory. Then, in your next race with your AOLL buddies, everyone
will see each other in their own cars. Providing, of course, they type in
their custom car name when they join.
I'm sure I left some things out, if anyone has any questions feel free to
email me. This is really the easiest way guys. Use those matching
servers and make it easy.
Don Burnette
Dburn on Ten
> I just got finished racing with a field of 16 over the internet (Real
> people, not AI). It was great!
> > I haven't been following the N3 posts much, sorry if this has been ask
> > already.
> > According to the N3 book, you can only have 2 players over the net for
> > multiplay, can you at least get a full field with AI cars? (plus the 2
> > human players) Why was modem play dropped?
> > Thanks,
> > Andy