: just got a new computer and am looking for a new racing game...
: my computer is :Dell Pentium II 266, 64mb ram, Matrox Millenium II 8mb
: WRAM, 32bit wavetable sound and dolby surrond sound speakers.
: This rally championship game only requires a 486...but PC Gamer gave it a
: 89% rating and says it kicks butt...I also saw another game review on a web
: page and it gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars...what I want to know is this game
: really that good? should I buy it? I saw it at a local store for only $25
: bucks.....should I get it?
: thanks and tell me how you like the game..
Are you sure the one you saw was Europress Rally Championship? Europress
have also released RAC Rally, the cover of the box has an Escort RS
Cosworth on the front. Rally Championship should have a Subaru Impreza
555. Europress also made another rally sim before that even, Lombard RAC
Rally, a long time ago, features a whale tail Sierra RS Cosworth, I think.
Rally Championship is one for the hard-core rally fans, while it could be
a lot more realistic, it is the closest thing us rally drivers have to the
real thing on our PC's. If, however, you like shoot-em-up arcade driving
games that require no talent, then go out and get Sega Rally or Screamer
2. (Thats just my biased opinion, no offence to Sega or Screamer players)
Benjamin Schmitt:
Third year Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Information
Technology student at the University of Western Australia.
Home Page: http://www.racesimcentral.net/