There is an 'all in one' patch here:
but if you prefer to do it manually, you need to apply the following (in
Papy 1.2 patch
CPU Patch (includes disco fix & noCD fix)
Then the 'more sounds' hack and any other hacks that modify the exe.
The OpenGL/D3D patches & graphics updates etc can be applied at any time
before or after the above.
Shame you lost your setups & graphics, but even with a fresh start
you'll soon be back up to speed ;-)
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Screamers League
IICC League
GPLRank -6.0 MoGPL rank +267.80
Ch.Rank +52.58 MoC +741.71
Hist. +82.34 MoH:na
N2k3 rank:in progress
Slayer Spektera lvl 72 assassin
Slayer Spectral_K lvl 38 Necro
US East
>> Had a system crash and had to reformat and reinstall everything.
>> Worst of all i lost all my GPL setups, replays and links from 5
>> years :(( There is alot to be said for backing up i suppose.
>> Anyway, reinstalling GPL and
> need
>> to know which patches to put on from Papy. I know i need the 1.2
>> patch and the D3D patch, the OpenGL patch, there is better one of
>> this i think at
> race
>> sim central? Does the CPU patch include the Disco patch as well?
>> Have also done a google for Vroc but all the links seem dead,
>> anyone have a link for WinVroc?
>> Anything i have missed ?
>> Thanks for any help,
>> Sid.
I couldn't say whether or not there is any performance advantage one
way or the other.
Not all the time. For some reason, some can run it without setting that
option. There hasn't been any solid explanation for why some do, and others
Screamers League
IICC League
GPLRank -6.0 MoGPL rank +267.80
Ch.Rank +52.58 MoC +741.71
Hist. +82.34 MoH:na
N2k3 rank:in progress
Slayer Spektera lvl 72 assassin
Slayer Spectral_K lvl 38 Necro
US East
Sorry to here about the system crash :(
Tried to email but bounced, also tried to ring changed #?
Police still after you mate ;)
I've got the setups that you emailed me if you would like them.
Regards Phil (your long lost friend XXXX)