Hmmm, I guess I'd better explain how I think this all works then, but sadly
it is quite complex!
The max_steering_torque value works as described by papyrus, there is no
reason to
think it doesn't, after all they wrote the game! The Torque at the steering
wheel is computed
by the physics model (in Newton Inches according to the text in core.ini)
and this is divided
by max_steering_torque (and maybe clamped between -1.0 and 1.0)
If we set the damping to 0 and adjust max_steering_torque everything works
exactly as it should
as far as steering centering/weight is concerned (no impact forces yet),
increasing max_streering_torque
decreases the force we feel as it should, decreasing this value increases
the force we feel but if we set it
too low the feedback forces clip making it harder to differentiate changes
in steering feel.
This is basically the complete opposite of what is said on that website
which recommends huge numbers
for this setting which gives almost no steering centering/feel.
The force_feedback_damping value is what causes all the problems because it
is used for more than just damping!
GPL has 2 types of forces, the steering force computed by the physics model
and preprogrammed forces for
collisions/kerbs/rough ground etc.
The force_feedback_damping is used to damp spikes (noise) in the computed
steering torque by subtratcing
a percentage of the change from frame to frame, if we set
force_feedback_damping too high the damping value
will become bigger that the computed value which will result in bizzare
steering effects such as force feedback
trying to turn us INTO the corner when the exact opposite should happen and
this is exactly what happens with
the huge damping values from that website.
The force_feedback_damping value is also used to scale the collision forces
so you have to
use some damping if you want these forces. If you set the value too high the
collision forces become
massive (they will clip to the maximum feedback force) even for tiny little
knocks or driving on grass etc,
again this is exactly what happens with the values from that website.
Things would be better if a seperate coefficient was used to scale damping
and impact forces but I
guess papy thought this good enough, it just about is.
You should use a smaller force_feedback_damping value than
max_steering_torque value in order
to get nice centering/feel and a reasonable impact force level. The default
max_steering_torque as
used by papyrus should be a good starting point as they actually know what
values the physics model
computes, so you shouldn't stray too far from this value.
All in all the values suggested on that website are completely wrong, they
give bizzare steering effects
and massively excessive impact forces, I suspect my steering wheel would
soon break if I used those
values for long! It wouldn't do my wrists much good either!
Anyway if you still want to use those values then go right ahead,
as you say, you have the right to your own opinion.
BTW what does BFG stand for? Big ******* Grin ?
> | > Well they have been spot on for me and I feel his info is invaluable
> | > at times but you have the right to your opinion as I do mine!! :o)
> |
> | They are complete and total nonsense!