Since you have brought it up Gregor, :-) If you read in the YeeeHaaaa
thread I have 2 TM aka Guillemot Ferrari FFB wheels & their joystick
too!!! Now there are already 2 sets of core.ini-s that I have seen to be
used via GPL on RAS & I have a 3rd.. I know that everyone has their
own way to setup their FFB wheels & I have been using Gary's set of
values for over a year now but these settings are all so different!
How can you find out which one is good and which isnt? I have read
Gary's site several times but I get lost with all the 0.300 this & 0.400
that for the damp/spring etc values for the FFB wheel etc & the sim!
Can you simplify this more for me? Btw: Never apologize if you feel
your comments have merit! I am not thin
Also please look at the other "2 [Joystick] values" in the YeeeHaaa
posts..ok? If you cant find them I will post the two different ones &
mine!! Tia...Thom_j.
| Hi Thom,
| fair enough. I didn't want to be a wise ass, but as you said, I did want
| to sparkle a heated, or at least warm, discussion. The truth is, the FF
| settings for GPL been a recurring theme every once in a while here, and
| as the discussion tends to almost always bring up those (IMHO very much
| wrong) settings found at the previously mentioned site, what's the best
| way to get attention to them than to start a small flame war?
| Too bad that you are so well tempered :). I never meant to be
| disrespectful to you, not at all, and if I came across that way, I
| apologize.
| All in all, this is Usenet. :)
| Greetings,
| -Gregor
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