
GPL newbie - force feedback

Paul Laidla

GPL newbie - force feedback

by Paul Laidla » Thu, 07 Jun 2001 05:56:03

I don't remember calling you stupid or a fool.

Whilst my reply was rather short, the settings on that link on that
webpage are just silly.  Perhaps you really meant to post a link
to the other part of that page with correct info?

Anyway, I didn't intend on insulting anyone, I'm sorry if you were


Gregor Vebl

GPL newbie - force feedback

by Gregor Vebl » Sat, 09 Jun 2001 18:00:04

Hi Thom,

fair enough. I didn't want to be a wise ass, but as you said, I did want
to sparkle a heated, or at least warm, discussion. The truth is, the FF
settings for GPL been a recurring theme every once in a while here, and
as the discussion tends to almost always bring up those (IMHO very much
wrong) settings found at the previously mentioned site, what's the best
way to get attention to them than to start a small flame war?

Too bad that you are so well tempered :). I never meant to be
disrespectful to you, not at all, and if I came across that way, I

All in all, this is Usenet. :)



> Gregor, I didnt detail which setting or settings. I was only trying
> to give a newbie a place to get an idea where to find good info!
> As I just re-posted to JS... It was only a friendly comment to a
> new GPLracer!
> When somone tries to make me look like a fool with a narrow
> minded blanketed reply I know they are just being a wise azz!
> So I just put them in my ignore bin! I have just as much fun on
> here teazing the next guy when its all in fun but not when I am
> trying to help one & then another does not need to be rude &
> make a quick sniped statement just to be a wise azz.. I'm too
> old for this petty juvenile garbage & I'm certainly not stupid!!
> Nuff said! :-) Cheers Thom_j.

Andre Warrin

GPL newbie - force feedback

by Andre Warrin » Sat, 09 Jun 2001 20:06:55

On Fri, 08 Jun 2001 11:00:04 +0200, Gregor Veble

>Hi Thom,

>fair enough. I didn't want to be a wise ass, but as you said, I did want
>to sparkle a heated, or at least warm, discussion. The truth is, the FF
>settings for GPL been a recurring theme every once in a while here, and
>as the discussion tends to almost always bring up those (IMHO very much
>wrong) settings found at the previously mentioned site, what's the best
>way to get attention to them than to start a small flame war?

Greger, as I wrote before, I noticed that the ff settings vary majorly
on each system. The values needed seem to be dependent on the
processor used and the wheel used. When I tried Alison's settings, I
felt no ff at all. I tried some other settings but none of them felt
correct.. I think the only good way to get the best ff out of GPL is
to experiment with your own settings untill it feels just right.

Also, I haven't seen the settings on Slot's site, but if I remember
correctly he uses very large values. This is also something weird in
GPL, using extreme values seem to work also in GPL, even if there's no
logic behind it..


Gregor Vebl

GPL newbie - force feedback

by Gregor Vebl » Sat, 09 Jun 2001 20:28:54

I know FF settings are wheel dependant, but we're talking about factor
variances of at most 2, not orders of magnitude different.

Believe me, I tried those settings on that page as well, and I could
relate to the observations put on their site, but this was not the
feetback a steering wheel should reproduce. The feel of the weight of
the wheel came only through the strong dampening resistance (that's
where my reference to bad power steering systems comes about), and the
jerks when driving on grass (which I also observed) most likely come
from the numerical artifacts caused by too large factors. The actual
feel of the road is completely lacking.


> Also, I haven't seen the settings on Slot's site, but if I remember
> correctly he uses very large values. This is also something weird in
> GPL, using extreme values seem to work also in GPL, even if there's no
> logic behind it..

> Andre

Thom j

GPL newbie - force feedback

by Thom j » Sat, 09 Jun 2001 21:43:46

Since you have brought it up Gregor, :-) If you read in the YeeeHaaaa
thread I have 2 TM aka Guillemot Ferrari FFB wheels & their joystick
too!!! Now there are already 2 sets of core.ini-s that I have seen to be
used via GPL on RAS & I have a 3rd.. I know that everyone has their
own way to setup their FFB wheels & I have been using Gary's set of
values for over a year now but these settings are all so different!
How can you find out which one is good and which isnt? I have read
Gary's site several times but I get lost with all the 0.300 this & 0.400
that for the damp/spring etc values for the FFB wheel etc & the sim!
Can you simplify this more for me? Btw: Never apologize if you feel
your comments have merit! I am not thin
Also please look at the other "2 [Joystick] values" in the YeeeHaaa
posts..ok? If you cant find them I will post the two different ones &
mine!!  Tia...Thom_j.

| Hi Thom,
| fair enough. I didn't want to be a wise ass, but as you said, I did want
| to sparkle a heated, or at least warm, discussion. The truth is, the FF
| settings for GPL been a recurring theme every once in a while here, and
| as the discussion tends to almost always bring up those (IMHO very much
| wrong) settings found at the previously mentioned site, what's the best
| way to get attention to them than to start a small flame war?
| Too bad that you are so well tempered :). I never meant to be
| disrespectful to you, not at all, and if I came across that way, I
| apologize.
| All in all, this is Usenet. :)
| Greetings,
| -Gregor

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Thom j

GPL newbie - force feedback

by Thom j » Sat, 09 Jun 2001 22:45:15

Did you ever hit the nail on the head here Andre!!
My values are much higher from Slot's site and seem to have
worked perfectly with my TM Ferrari FFB wheel! Now I'm
more lost then ever..
Here they are:
[ Joy ]
allow_force_feedback = 1                ; Use FF if device has it
force_feedback_damping = 5000     ; this is force feedback strength, not
force_feedback_latency = 0.0045    ; force feedback latency (secs), use a
low number
max_steering_torque = 2800            ; this is damping (2500 for the Force

In cotnrol panel in my "game controller"  via my TM Ferrari FFB wheel
for GPL I use in Gain Settings:
50% on Overall Device Gain
0% Spring Gain
0% Damper Gain
Lately I've been checking "Always on" 13% Default Spring
"Also I crank my linear all the way to the left in GPL! And I know most
wont believe this but I use 12:1 max to my usual 10:1 down to 8:1 steer
lock. Now thats tight & I love it this way!! :-)" Go
Also no pedels for gas/brake only paddles on the wheel!! I must do all
my braking, gas, shifting, steering, clutching with my hands only. I cant
use my feet or legs.. {long boring story}
Any & All Helpful Suggestions Welcome!! Tia.. Thom_j.

| Also, I haven't seen the settings on Slot's site, but if I remember
| correctly he uses very large values. This is also something weird in
| GPL, using extreme values seem to work also in GPL, even if there's no
| logic behind it..
| Andre

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