ActLabs>generally wins by a small margin over the Logitech. Since I have
I've tried both, and I decided on the Logitech. The wheel itself is
perfect, as far as design, comfort, and shifting ability. The Force RS's
wheel is too thick, and the shifters are worthless, although it does have
seven buttons vs. the Logitech's four.
The Force RS also wins in clamp design I was able to clamp the RS to my
desk and still pull my keyboard shelf out since the clamp only protrude
about and inch and a half. With the Logitech I had to move my keyboard
shelf over 8", but it's not that big a deal; my desk is very large. I was
then able to permanently mount the Logitech, although it sits off to one
As far as drivers, etc. go, I would give the edge to the Logitech. They
recently released a patch to their profiling software which has automatic
calibration. When you boot your system, and the wheel is plugged in (the
wall wart is in the MIDDLE of the power cord, BTW, not at the end!), the
wheel turns fully to the left, and then to the right. As of now you can
only assign either separate or combined axis' globally. In a new patch that
should be out in a few weeks you will be able to do it on a game-by-game
basis. ACTLabs is literally run by just a handful of people, so it's hard
to say what their support will be like. They've already released one patch.
I ordered my Force RS from the website. It took 10 days to arrive by UPS.
I think they sent it by donkey! Shipping was only $10 for a 23 pound box.
Return shipping was $17, however, so if you can't buy the RS from a retail
store, keep this in mind.
As far as FF goes, I would give a slight edge to the RS, but the Logitech
has improved with the recent patch.
Pedals? This is really the only downfall of the Logitech. Although they
are fine, they could've been designed a little better. The pedals
themselves are plastic, and do not pivot. Also, they depress too easily.
For $2 and 20 minutes of your time, however, you can replace the springs
with tighter ones. The Force RS has excellent pedals They actually pivot
like they do in a real automobile. They didn't depress smoothly though.
big deciding factor was USB support. I have a DexDrive hooked into my one
and only serial port. The RS has a serial connector. The Logitech has an
included serial to USB adapter. (Don't these thing cost like $70 if
purchased separately?).
The Logitech also has the game Motorhead, along with F1RS. I've owned
Motorhead for the Playstation for a couple of weeks and have enjoyed it.
The PC version is awesome! The sense of speed is unmatched; this is what
NFS3 should have had. The track design is very good and control is tight.
FF is top notch. This game won't be released in the U.S. for a couple of
months, so this was definitely an added bonus.
one to get? It's hard to say. I prefer the Logitech because of the wheel
design, USB hookup, Motorhead, and good tech support.
"Remember the good old 1980's,
when things were so uncomplicated?
I wish I could go back there again,
and everything could be the same".
from "Ticket To The Moon" by the Electric Light
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Peace, love and Monkeemobiles,