Now that is an odd problem it sounds like you have there. I'd check the cord
that connects the pedals to the wheel to make sure it's in good shape and
working properly, connected properly and such. And also worth mentioning, if
you do not have a microsoft virtual keyboard, then go and disable it in your
device manager. I've found out that causes my steering wheel to "crash"
right in the middle of a race. Also causes my computer to bog down every so
often, i suppose when the system does it's scan to make sure this keyboard
is still there. All my lights on my keyboard blink when this happens. Of
course I don't have a microsoft virtual keyboard, so that's just alot of
wasted space on the hard drive and also causing my system to do something it
shouldn't be doing, not to mention tying up resources, hehe. So i'd disable
that right away, or just remove it from the device manager altogether.
Otherwise it will cause problems. When my wheel would "crash", i'd lose one
or both pedals and also my steering would be changed to 90 degress from what
it is supposed to be. So you can see the havoc it causes when in the middle
of the race, i'm flying down the backstretch at Dega at 195-200+ mph and
suddenly my car makes a hard right hand turn into the wall, and then I can't
stop or slow down cause I got no brakes. LOL. Anyways, it's a fine wheel.
I'm very impressed with it and seems to be more sturdy and springier than my
old thrustmaster wheel. And the problems/bugs disappear when I get rid of
the virtual keyboard crap, hehe. Don't know if I'm any help, but I'd check
everything I can and if it's definitely something with the wheel/pedals, i'd
take it back for an exchange or refund and get another brand wheel. It's NOT
cool trying to race with a buggy, or inoperative wheel, i should know. ;)
> Hello-
> I recently installed an MS Percision Racing Wheel (USB) on my system.
> It seems to work on games except for the pedals. When I go to game
> controller control panel and test the wheel (the screen which shows the
> wheel turning and the pedals moving...) The wheel works fine but the
> pedals do not respond (in both combined and seperate modes) In fact
> when I turn the wheel, it makes a big red "X" over the picture of the
> pedals. And of course I can't find mention of this anywhere in the MS
> documentation or on their webpage. Any ideas??
> Thanks-
> -capt.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.