This is one of those things that ruin sims for me...lack of feel!!But
first Ill explain what happens.See,when you back loses more grip then
your front tires the car will start to oversteer.Depending on the
setup this can be easily controlled by either more throttle to send
weight to the rears or if it happens a little quicker,reverse
lock.With the coventry,I rarely ever lose my rear end and a very quick
opposite lock will catch it for me since the car is set to understeer
much more.Now the reason that turning the wheel into the turn catches
a spin is that your completly losing grip at the front wheels and the
car becomes balanced again.In a real race car you can feel this edge
of grip for the front tires thru the steering wheel.When you fronts
lose traction and start to slide the steering gets all light.In GPL
you cant feel this very important effect and so you turn the wheel
past the point of grip and the car starts to slide evenly,and catches
the oversteer.
Papyrus has added a tiny little effect to combat this lack of feel in
the steering wheel.When you near the limits of traction in the front
wheels,the steering wheel will start to shudder slightly.Many Many
people have reported erratic behavior with theri steering wheel
jumping from side to side.I have posted many many times that its
signaling the edge of traction for the front wheels but nobody and I
do mean nobody listens.To try it go around a turn where your sure your
in a four wheel drift,then turn your steering completly into the
turn.What youll notice is that at a certain point your steering wheel
will stop shuddering.
On Tue, 5 Jan 1999 22:22:52 +0200, "Asko Kallonen"
>When I'm powersliding in corner (Lesmos , Monza, for example) , it seems
>that I can't correct the slide with anti lock but instead doing the opposite
>thing, the slide will be corrected. If I for example go to the right-hand
>corner and rear starts to slide to left , normally you 're supposed to turn
>steeringwheel to the left to correct a car. But that doesn't work for me in
>GPL. I have to turn wheel to right. Why? I have a Microsoft FF Wheel (which
>is absolutely incredible and accurate steering device) and GPL 02.00.