I think that riding a m/c, especially when racing, is much too physical an
activity to represent with any typical computer input device. As you know,
you don't steer by turning a wheel (in fact, you actually "countersteer",
turning the bars in the opposite direction of the turn). You "ride" it, you
don't "drive" it like a car. Unless someone comes up with some sort of
semi-realistic control device, I'm afraid we're stuck with the likes of
Also, the other physics of the bike require modeling that is only now
starting to be done in the auto racing sims. For example, even road-race
bikes often catch some air over humps in the road, and dirt bikes get really
airborn, crossed-up, etc. This has been tough to do up until lately.
(Actually, I kind of like MotoRacer for what it is, but a real sim would be
much better)
Doug Gordon
(Remove "nospam." from e-mail address)
>Motorcycle sims are hard I agree but not impossible. I think two things can
>set you apart.
>1. Controler. Right now there is not a lot out there to chose from. One
>thing that might work well would be a Steering Wheel with two buttons on
>each side and maybe a rudder control on the floor. This would be kind of a
>hybrid setup but if the bike had good physics it would allow the player to
>work with his weight. Acceleration, Brakes, Gears could be done from the
>steering wheel.
>2. Focus on the replayability (is this a word?)
>see ya