AI Question: GP4 vs F1 2002


AI Question: GP4 vs F1 2002

by bertr » Tue, 16 Jul 2002 03:56:52

Sorry for the re-post, but I got no response to my first attempt, so I
thought that I'd try again.  (Everyone's talking about WSC/WRL.  Anybody
want to chime in on GP4?):

I've read numerous posts here comparing/contrasting F1-2K2 and GP4, and
I don't want to start a repetitive thread about the merits of each.

However, many posts about GP4 praise its offline AI.  I frequently race
against the AI in F1-2K2, and find it wanting, so I would be interested
in hearing specifically what's better about the AI in GP4?
Specifically, I find that the AI cars in F1-2K2 bunch up to the point of
almost stopping at the first few curves at most tracks.  Does this also
occur with the AI in GP4?


Bart Westr

AI Question: GP4 vs F1 2002

by Bart Westr » Tue, 16 Jul 2002 06:56:31

No, except where you can expect it like in Monaco. The AI are just very
good, defending their line, giving you room when being lapped etc. On the
downside, they sometimes take a long time to decide to pass you when you
have damage, and they race you on the outlap in qualifying.
Once your skills have grown to the extent that you win every race, grab a
tool to make them faster. These tools have been around for ever GP edition.

Btw, in the GPx series they're called CC cars, not AI. CC is for Computer


Ronald Stoeh

AI Question: GP4 vs F1 2002

by Ronald Stoeh » Wed, 17 Jul 2002 06:25:00

Bart Westra schrieb:

>>Sorry for the re-post, but I got no response to my first attempt, so I
>>thought that I'd try again.  (Everyone's talking about WSC/WRL.  Anybody
>>want to chime in on GP4?):

>>I've read numerous posts here comparing/contrasting F1-2K2 and GP4, and
>>I don't want to start a repetitive thread about the merits of each.

>>However, many posts about GP4 praise its offline AI.  I frequently race
>>against the AI in F1-2K2, and find it wanting, so I would be interested
>>in hearing specifically what's better about the AI in GP4?
>>Specifically, I find that the AI cars in F1-2K2 bunch up to the point of
>>almost stopping at the first few curves at most tracks.  Does this also
>>occur with the AI in GP4?

> No, except where you can expect it like in Monaco. The AI are just very
> good, defending their line, giving you room when being lapped etc. On the
> downside, they sometimes take a long time to decide to pass you when you
> have damage, and they race you on the outlap in qualifying.
> Once your skills have grown to the extent that you win every race, grab a
> tool to make them faster. These tools have been around for ever GP edition.

Well, I saw it at several tracks, esp. in the rain. It happens in real life
too, although not so often.

I'm still waiting for the sim that doesn't have at least some strange AI
behaviour in close quarters. I just had a big crash in N2k2 and in the end
about 20 cars were scattered around the track, with more still coming around
the track to join us at full speed.
Are they blind, spotter on vacation, or what? ;)


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