Apologies for an off topic post here just hoping someone can answer
this for me as you have always come up with the goods for other
queries in the past and my postings to the various games.me ng's have
not yet given me the solution.
My daughters PC has been upgraded to WinME and they recently asked me
to re-install Duke Nukem 3D onto it. When running the setup program
and selecting the soundcard to use for soundfx the test tells me that
it failed due to a possible IRQ conflict. I have checked device
manager in ME and there are no conflicts and the IRQ, DMA and address
settings are exactly as I have chosen in Duke3D.
The strange thing is that selecting the same option for the music in
the game works fine. The only way I can get the game to run is by
selecting 'none' for the card to use for soundfx but this takes away
from the game somewhat.
I thought that I could simply run the game in DOS to get around the
problem but found that ME doesn't seem to have a DOS option so
couldn't even try this.
I was considering upgrading my main PC to ME but if this is a real
problem I will have to think again as I want to be able to run ICR2 \
CART but if the same problem arises I won't have any sound in the sim.
Any ideas anyone??