I'm currently working on the off-line racing program.
I would like some input about requested/required features.
Currently implemented features:
.EXE, .DAT, .TXT, and .LP file verification.
If any of these files do not pass, then you won't be able to attempt
a valid race.
.STG, and DEFAULT.ST1 at the selected track.
If any of these do not pass, again you won't be able to attempt a valid
The way I extract your race info is from the Replay file, therefore
before running a race, you MUST remove all .RPL files from the selected
As for the replay, on my system (16 meg) the largest I get is 3 meg.
About 1 hour racing with 2 cars, or about 20 minutes with 20 cars.
My software will span multiple .RPL files to obtain info about the
I currently can obtain the time and position at the end of each lap of
the race.
Again, I'm looking for some imput as to how to make this most useable
for those of you that are interested. (racers, and Coordinators).
P.S. After the big "stink" about IVGA obtaining setups, the software
I'm writing
only applys a pass/fail on all the setups in the selected track.
It DOES NOT send any setup info back in the resulting file.