Just curious, why is it that some people who make out they are into sim
racing, insist on cheating? I am at present runnng in an off-line
league for ICR2, and thankfully that hasn't occured in this league as
yet, but there must be some way to deter, or eradicate cheating in
I used to be involved in a local off-line league here in Australia,
just between six guys, who were all supposed to be friends, but still
two of the supposed friends were caught out cheating. If it happens
between friends, what must it be like in the sim world of off-line
racing. That episode put me off off-line racing for about three years,
and just recently i decided to bite the bullet and try another off-line
league. So far, so good!!
As an example, one guy i used to race against off-line, could always
beat me, but every time we connected by modem, i could beat him easily.
Maybe that's a thought, anyone getting constantly beaten by a driver
in an off-line league, distance permitting, offer them a modem race to
see how they fare...
Unfortunately i am not smart enough to come up with a program that can
somehow check the validity of results from racing sims, but surely
someone out there could. I feel a reasonable deterrent, if there was
proof of cheating from a given indvidual, would be to post their name
on RAS.. Let the world of sim racers know who the morons are who
ruin it for the rest of us sim racers who do it legally.....
Just wondering what others think about this??
Ron Ayton
Southern Racing