A suggestion...........
There are 2 stages between each service point.
When you finish the second stage the game does the save
and then you go onto the service area.
So if you crash or are not happy with your placing, 1st, 2, or 3rd
in the first stage or before you finish the second stage then start again
for improvement.
It will be safer or less frustrating for you to do well here
than hope to do well the way you have been playing without these
improvement attempts.
>> CMR04 is too realistic for you? Damn, you'd better steer clear of Richard
>> Burns Rally in that case.... :-\
> That doesn't answer my question...
> I finished CMR 4 playing the 2WD cars. I finished the tournament in 3rd,
>but didn't unlock anything.
> I'm trying out the 4WD's and I'm finding them very hard to drive on the
>first stage. They seem like overpowered monsters. I've played Rally
>Masters (and the 2WD's were easier, but I could at least drive the 4WD's),
>and the experience doesn't seem to translate over into Colin McRae Rally 4
>very well. (I'd like to try a rear-wheel drive, I think that would be easier
>to transition to).
> Any tips? With the 2WD cars they were very hard to turn, especially when I
>took my foot off the gas- I ended up using the handbrakes to make sharp
>turns. The 4WD's turn way too much, they spin and slide all the time on the