No problems installing and running it here.
- Remove 'nospamallowed' from my email address to reply.
- ICQ #53954494
>>Has anyone run Nascar2 on Windows 98? I can't even get past the system check
>>at the beginning of the install. I get an "integer divide by zero" error
>>message. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>W Spilman
"What is real? Are you certain you know what reality
is? How do you know at this second you aren't asleep
in your bed, dreaming that you are here..."
-The Wizard of***
Mortado's Page of Filth-;
> >>Has anyone run Nascar2 on Windows 98? I can't even get past the system
> >>at the beginning of the install. I get an "integer divide by zero" error
> >>message. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >>W Spilman
> To get around this problem, go to START, PROGRAMS, then click MS-DOS
> PROMPT. At the C:\WINDOWS> prompt, type DEL SIERRA.INI and press
> ENTER. Type EXIT and press ENTER to close the DOS window. Then restart
> your computer and start the NASCAR 2 installer. When the installer
> asks you to test your system SAY NO. The next screen will then show
> that you have failed a bunch of tests. Ignore this and continue with
> the installation. The program should install fine.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> "What is real? Are you certain you know what reality
> is? How do you know at this second you aren't asleep
> in your bed, dreaming that you are here..."
> -The Wizard of***
> Mortado's Page of Filth-