Nascar2 entry list woes

Ed Whit

Nascar2 entry list woes

by Ed Whit » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Hi folks, y'all have helped me out every other time I've done some
knuckleheaded thing to my game, so here goes: I recently bought and
installed the bgn expansion pack and it only cost 10 bucks and it worked and
I got all those new tracks and so I was happy. Then I tried to go back to my
'96 wc season driver list and the computer hung and booted me back to the
desktop. i have 4 driver lists:
                                        1. Multi
                                        2. '96 WC season
                                        3. McLaines (My daughter - future WC
                                        4. '97 BGN
only one causing me any trouble is "96 wc season.......Any ideas?  Ed
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