I don't. CMR3 was appalling in the physics department. Even from the
limited previews of RBR, it's clear that it's going to wallop the CMR series
which, like all Codemaster's games of late, are an insult to sim racers.
For those who played CMR3, they may have noticed that a steering aid was
employed to keep the car pivoted on a central shaft. In CMR4 the pivot
device has been removed, altering each of the car's stabilizers, and thus
making for a "professional, realistic and natural handling experience."
Codemasters explains that we'll notice the difference, especially in
performing skids and powerslides
My guess is because CMR 3 was considered a "hit" on the console scene,
Codies made money on it, even though the hard core PC *** race fans like
us didn't like it. I assume they figured they could simply remove the aid,
update the car schemes and driver names and viola! Here ya go race fans.....
It's CMR 4!!!!
I for one will wait for the demo, and the unbiased reviews of the full
product before I shell out anymore cash for a Codemasters product.
As the old saying goes:
Fool me once shame on you.... fool me twice... Shame on me!
> For those who played CMR3, they may have noticed that a steering aid was
> employed to keep the car pivoted on a central shaft. In CMR4 the pivot
> device has been removed, altering each of the car's stabilizers, and thus
> making for a "professional, realistic and natural handling experience."
> Codemasters explains that we'll notice the difference, especially in
> performing skids and powerslides
> > > I have high hopes for it. Keep your fingers crossed.
> > I don't. CMR3 was appalling in the physics department. Even from the
> > limited previews of RBR, it's clear that it's going to wallop the CMR
> series
> > which, like all Codemaster's games of late, are an insult to sim racers.
I'd have to disagree with this. I don't think CMR3 was a "hit" for
consoles. I don't think it sold that well. I thought it was bad, with
Rallisport being the much better title.