Recently i bought CMR4 and I like it as a semi rally game and his nice
But I installed also my old CMR2 game, to compare it to CMR4, and I
have to say I think I like 2 more, LOL ...... 50 euro's "down the
Anyway do u guys know what are the essential patches/mods for CMR2? I
know I had a few in those days, but i don't have them anymore as well
don't remember them.
Any suggestions and where to find them? Read something about a WRC
patch ????
I already installed 1.09 and the clear-windshield patches.
Tnx and keep on racing
Greetings and read you later! * Live never to be ashamed if anything you
Arjan "Sharkey" * do or say is published around the world-
To mail me: xl = nl Richard Bach; Illusions